旅游英语 十

发布 2021-05-09 11:32:28 阅读 1642


六.天气。it's better to start with the weather when you chat with foreigners in your journey.


(一)a: fine day, isn't it?

a: 天气真好,不是吗?

b: yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.

b: 是的,跟天气预报里讲的完全不同。

a: i wish it would stay this way for the weekend.

a: 我希望这种好天气可以一直持续到周末。

b: as long as it doesn't snow!

b: 只要不下雪就好!

二)a: it seems to be clearing up.

a: 天气似乎要放晴了。

b: it's such a nice change.

b: 这真是一个好的转变。

a: i really don't think this weather will last.

a: 我真不认为这种天气会持久。

b: let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.

b: 咱就盼着别再转冷了。

三)a: it looks it's going to be sunny.

a: 看起来天气要转晴了。

b: yes, it's much better than yesterday.

b: 是的,比昨天好多了。

a: it's said that it 's going to rain later.

a: 据说不久之后会下雨。

b: oh, let's just hope it stays warm.

b: 噢,只希望能一直这么暖和。

四)a: i think it's going to be a nice day.

a: 我想今天天气应该不错。

b: it's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

b: 跟昨天比起来,今天的确是好多了。

a: but it's said to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

a: 但是据说今下午又有风又有云。

b: well, the worst of the winter should be over soon.

b: 是啊,冬天最糟糕的时段应该很快就会过去了。


americans don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. however, in a formal or business situation, they always shake hands.


一)a: mary, this is joe's younger brother d**id.

a: 玛丽,这是乔的弟弟大卫。

b; i'm very glad to meet you.

b: 很高兴认识你。

c: it's a pleasure to meet you, too.

c: 我也很高兴认识你。

b: how do you like texas so far?

b: 到目前为止,你觉得德克萨斯州怎么样?

c: it's really different from what i expected.

c: 跟我想象的还真是不大一样。

b: don't worry. you'll get used to it in no time.

b: 别担心,你很快就会适应的。

二)a: mrs. smith, i'd like to introduce a friend of mine, peter.

a: 史密斯太太,我想介绍一位朋友给你认识,彼得。

b: how do you do?

b: 你好!

c: hello.

c: 嗨!b: what's your impression of the united states?

b: 你对美国的印象如何?

c: well, the weather is changeable here.

c: 啊,这里的天气真是多变。

b: oh, you'll get used to it soon!

b: 噢,你很快就会适应的。

三)a: wendy, i'd like you to meet my elder brother, sam.

a: 温迪,我想让你见见我的长兄,山姆。

b: hi.

b: 嗨。c: nice to meet you.

c: 很高兴见到你。

b: what do you think of chicago?

b: 你觉得芝加哥怎么样?

c: well, i'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.

c: 嗯,我仍然有些想家,而且很多东西对我来说都很陌生。

b: you're bound to feel that way at first, i guess.

b: 我猜,最初你一定会有这样的感觉。

四)a: mrs. green, this is peter brown.

a: 格林太太,这是彼得布朗。

b: pleased to meet you.

b: 很高兴认识你。

c: how do you do?

c: 你好!

b: i hope you're enjoying your stay here.

b: 希望你在这里待得愉快。

c: if it weren't for the climate, i'd like it here very much.

c: 如果不是天气的原因,我想我会很喜欢这里。

b: it always takes time to get used to a new place.

b: 适应一个新地方总是要花些时间的。

旅游英语 住宿十

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