旅游英语 十一

发布 2021-05-09 11:31:28 阅读 5714



mary:what is the parking fee per hour here?


john:ten dollars an hour.


mary:how much would it be if i park here for an hour and ten minutes?


john:twenty dollars, sir. because we charge by the number of hours.


mary:i see. thanks.



一)this dialogue is about buying a train ticket in the united states.


a: what time is the next train to washington?

a: 下一趟去华盛顿的车几点开?

b: that's 9:26 on track 14.

b: 9点26分,14轨道。

a: when does it get there?

a: 什么时候到?

b: it's scheduled to arrive at 10:50.

b: 按照列车时刻表是10点50分到。

a: how much is it?

a: 多少钱?

b: it's $30.00 one way or $55.00 round trip.

b: 单程票30美元,往返票55美元。

二)the following dialogue is about buying a train ticket in china.


a: what's the next train from beijing to tianjin?

a: 去天津,最近的一趟是哪个?

b: t548 at 15:01.

b: t548,下午3点01分出发。

a: what time does it get there?

a: 什么时候到呢?

b: it gets there around 16:26.

b: 大约4点26分到。

a: what's the fare? a: 多少钱?

b: hard seat is rmb 30.00. b: 硬座30元。


soft seat 软座;

hard sleeper 硬卧;

soft sleeper 软卧;

luxury soft sleeper 豪华软卧;

first-class cabin 头等舱;

economy-class cabin 经济舱。



many people shake hands when meeting after they h**en't seen each other for a long time.

一)a: i h**en't seen you for ages. you h**en't been around, h**e you?

b: no, i've been in california for the past month.

a: how nice. where were you exactly?

b: san diego. i got back yesterday.

二)a: it's nice to see you again. h**e you changed jobs?

b: no, i've been visiting relatives.

a: that's nice. where?

b: i went to visit an uncle of mine in san francisco.

三)a: you h**en't been around much lately, h**e you?

b: no, i've been away on vacation.

a: oh? where were you?

b: palm springs. i've got a cousin there.

四)a: well, hello. what a surprise! h**e you moved or something else?

b: no, i went to california for a few weeks.

a: oh, really? where did you go?

b: los angeles. i stayed with my brother.

旅游英语 住宿十一

分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧。美联英语提供 119.找租房信息。you know how l can find a room to rent?比尔 你好,你知道我怎么样可以租到间房子吗?brown there is so much information and i advise to ...


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每次去旅游,都是人满为患之时,特别是七日长假,更是旅游的 日,大大小小的旅游爱好者,都去了自己慕名已久的向往地。不知年月日,不明旅游处,只记得那次上车,准备开往目的地 风景区 时的情形。那天,我和妈妈一块儿在车站上,由于要去下一个景点,我们只好等车,这时,人渐渐多起来,车子也一趟又一趟的从我眼前驶过...