
发布 2021-05-09 11:26:28 阅读 2689




活动:practicing english, listening to english songs, reading english stories,drawing a picture,singing, dancing短语:at home在家ask to要求去(做)watch tv看电视play chess下棋。

play the piano弹钢琴make a model制作模型look at看h**e a party举办聚会put candles on the cake把蜡烛放在蛋糕上play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏water the flowers浇花。

what are you doing?你/你们正在做什么?i’m/we’re practicing my is mike/he/she doing?

he/she is watching a basketball are they doing? they are putting candles on the cake.介绍他人在公园的活动:

it’s sunday today. the weather is fine. maomao and hisparents are in the park.

look!there are many people in the park. some boys are playing football.

some students are flying a good time.





english: practicing english, listening to english songs, reading english storieschinese: reading books, reciting poems, writingmaths:

playing math games

art or labor skill: ****** a model, doing crafts

pe: practicing kung fu, playing basketball, playing football, playing table tennis, playing baseball,playing volleyball, playing ping-pong, skating, running, doing high jump, doing long jump, runninga race, skiping the rope

music: singing, dancing, playing the piano, playing the guitar, playing the flute, playing the violin,playing the erhu

information technology: chatting, playing computer games, surfing the net2.公园娱乐活动。

fishing, dancing, singing, playing games, playing hide-and-seek, doing exercises, h**ing a picnic,boating, swimming, walking, planting trees, flying kites, playing cards, climbing mountains, takingphotos, throwing beanbags, jumping rope, going roller-skating3.家庭休闲活动。

watchingtv,goingtothepark,readingbooks,visitingfriendsandrelatives,goingshopping,doinghousework,cleaningthefloor,doingthedishes,wateringtheflowers,keepingbirds,growing flowers, washing clothes, walk your dog, make a cake, cooking meals

第二单元。植物不同部位:root, stem, leaf, flower, seed短语:

come out发芽,出来grow up to be成长in spring在春天。

different jobs不同的工作follow me跟随我the next part下一部分in/above the ground在地里/地上carry…to…把…输送到…make food for…为…提供食物on the earth在地球上without the sun没有太阳。

hold the trees/the party固定树木/举办聚会cook the dinner做晚餐what’sthe english for the different parts of a plant?植物不同部分的英文名称是什么?

they are the roots, the stem, the le**es, the flowers, and the seeds.它们是根,茎,叶,花和种子。

what do seeds/folwers/le**es/roots/stems/trunks do?


they/seeds grow up to be plants and trees.他们/种子长成植物和树木。what do le**es need to make food?

叶子需要什么来产生养分?they need sunlight, air, and water.它们需要阳光,空气和水。





vegetables蔬菜: fruit甜的水果: :

sports运动: badminton羽毛球, football足球, tennis网球, golf高尔夫球, rugby橄榄球animals动物: bird, cat, dog, rabbit, lion

学习用具: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, pencil box交通方式: bus, train, taxi, plane, car

种子的传播方式:in water,with people and animals,with wind,with birds短语。

plant trees植树enjoy walking享受散步in a forest在森林里。

make use of利用get fruits from trees从树上得到果实build houses建造房子make ***** capes制作纸帽子make a bag制作一个包the old jacket旧夹克come from来自different parts of…的不同部分give an example举一个例子most of…的大部分in many ways不同方式a kind of…的一种。

play badminton打羽毛球in front of在…的前面。

wheat and rice are both seeds.小麦和稻谷都是种子。both wheat and rice are can we make use of trees/news*****/the old jaket/water/the land/the flowers?


can you give me an example of the food/sweet fruits/fast food?你能给我举一个食物、甜水果、快餐的例子吗?

how do seeds tr**el?种子怎么传播?

some seeds tr**el in water, and others tr**el with people and animals.一些在水里传播,其他的通过人和动物传播。其他:


第四单元。what has eyes but cannot see?什么有眼睛但看不见?

it’s the potato.它是土豆。driving a car开汽车cooking dinner做晚饭talking on the phone在**里聊天live for thousands of years活上千年the roots of a tree树的根the amount of…的量tr**el up向上输送growth rings年轮a number rings许多make furniture制作家具desert plants沙漠植物h**e more seeds than other plants比其他植物有更多的种子其他:



下面我们来看一下快餐店通常serve的食物 1.combo kmbu n.联合体。通常看着 就知道几号是什么 点 时只要说 combo number one,或是 number two 就好了。有时店员会问do you want to go large?如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。2.汉堡 ...


第一章金融。金融的定义。金融涉及时间,金钱和风险的概念以及它们如何是相互关联的。虽然私募 共同 对冲 和其他组织已经非常重要,但是银行仍然通过提供信贷成为资金的主要提供者。作为投资的金融资产主要是财务管理,它密切注意金融风险管理并控制金融风险。金融工具还指能在 交易所交易的多种形式的 化资产,包括像...

