
发布 2021-05-07 14:39:28 阅读 5871

基本时态 (被动语态,有…,be, h**e)


做:he studies english every day. 他每天学习英语。

是:he is a smart boy. 他是一个聪明的男孩。

有:he has a mobile phone. 他有一个手机。

有:there is a telephone on the desk. 有一台**机在桌子上。

吃:被:you are wanted on the phone. 有**找你。


做:he is studying english now. 他正在学习英语。

is he studying english now? 他正在学习英语吗?是:

有:吃:he is h**ing breakfast. 他正在吃早餐。

被:a new railway is being built in this city. 这城市正在修建一条新的铁路。


打算:he is going to do his homework. 他准备做作业。

将要做:he will do his homework. 他将要做作业。

打算成为:he is going to be a scientist. 他打算成为一名科学家。

将是:he will be a high school student. 他将是一名高中生。

有:he will h**e a car. 他将有一辆车。

被:a new railway will be built in this city next year. 一条新铁路将会修。


做:he has learned english for nine years. 他已经学英语9年了。

是:he has been a naughty student. 他曾经是一名淘气的学生。

有:we h**e had a party. 我们有过一个爬梯。

吃:he has had his breakfast. 他吃完早餐了。

被:the new railway has already been built.新铁路已经建成了。


做:he studied english yesterday evening. 昨天晚上他学英语了。

做?did he study english yesterday evening? 昨天晚上他学英语了吗?

是:he was a pop star. 他过去是一名流行歌星。

有:these was a book on the desk. 有一本书在桌上。

有:he had a mobile phone. 他有一部手机。

吃:i had my breakfast. 我吃早餐。

被:the railway was built in 1998. 这条铁路(被)建于1998 年。


做:he was doing his homework yesterday at that time. 他正在做他的家庭作业昨天这个时候。

was he doing his homework yesterday at that time?

被:the railway was being built this time last year.去年这个时候这条铁路正在修建。


做:he will be doing his home work this time tomorrow. 明天这个时候他将正在做家庭作业。


做:he had done his home work last weekend. 上周末他已经做完作业。

做:he had learned english when he was young. 他年轻时曾学过英语。

是:he had been a naughty student. 他曾经是一名淘气的学生。

有:we had had a party. 我们有过一个爬梯。

吃:he had had his breakfast. 他吃完早餐了。

被:the new railway had been built by the end of last year.这条铁路在去年年底前已经建成了。

应该被:the trees should be watered every day. 这些树应每天浇水。

应该:we should water the trees every day. 我们应该每天给这些树浇水。

可以被:this word can be pronounced in two ways. 这个单词可以有两种发音。

必须被:the children must be taken good care of .这些孩子必须得到好的照顾。


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