
发布 2021-05-06 21:58:28 阅读 2963

邮件英语 e-mail english collection

1. thanks for the clarification. 感谢…… thanks for+名词。

2. if you need any help from me,please feel free to let me know.

3. please do not hesitate to contact me if you h**e any further question.

4. let me know if h**e any questions.

5. if you h**e any problem with that,pls highlight it out.

6. if you h**e any questions,please contact andy.

7. by the way,any issue need help from fox john,please advice.


8. what’s worse is that these f/e boards were puled from qwest stock.


9. please make sure this note is received by the correct people in fox.

请确认…… make sure+ 宾语从句。

10. please pay high attention to those issue we had seen before.

请高度重视/注意…..pay attention to+名词/动名词。

11. attachment is the picture for component short.

12. enclosed is the update build schedule.

13. the attached is a table just figured out for various team to input your ideas,and on which i’ve put a few for your reference.

以上的意思为:附件是….后面接名词。for your reference供你参考。

14. according to/from the dphu report and can find………

根据/从……,可以发现…….according to/from +名词。

15. please refer to the attached picture for the component short failure.

16. please kindly review the above and attached.

17. as you can see that there are 5 columns including:


18. there is a potentially serious issue with part number 5185956e25...


19. please complete these actions asap.

请尽快完成, asap=as soon as possible

20. would you please send me a quote for the rework.

21. can you please send me a picture explaining what you are finding?


22. from our point of view,those good they should maintain.


23. if possible,can you test the qwest radios on one or two fixtures?


24. sorry to hear about the quality problem with indium solder paste.

25. sorry for not sending this on thursday.


26. please let me know when you plan to change.

27. would you please let me know the more detail about that?


28. it would be great if you could provide the spec for these two dimentions.

如果….会更好。 if引导条件壮语从句。

29. the current schedule is very tight./ibug is in a tight schedule.



首先,必須要標題(heading)欄的“收件人(to)”框中輸入收信人的e-mail 位址。“主題(subject)”框的內容應簡明地概括信的內容,短的可以是一個單詞,如greetings;長的可以是一個名詞性短語,也可以是完整句,但長度一般不超過35個字母。“主題”框的內容切忌含糊不清。

像news about the meeting 這樣的表達,應改為tomorrow’s meeting canceled。一般來說,只要將位於句首的單詞和專有名詞的首字母大寫即可。另外一種較為正規的格式可將除了少於5個字母的介詞、連接詞或冠詞之外的每一個單詞的首字母大寫,如:

new e-mail address notification。視信的內容是否重要,還可以開頭加上urgent或者fyi(for your information,供參考),如:urgent:

submit your report today!

e-mail一般使用非正式的文體,因此正文(body)前的稱呼(salutation)通常無須使用諸如“dear mr. john”之類的表達。在同輩的親朋好友或同事間可以直呼其名,但對長輩或上級最好使用頭銜加上姓。

如:tommy,或者mr. smith。

e-mail文體的另外一個特點是簡單明瞭,便於閱讀,太長的內容可以以附件的方式發出。一個段落大多僅由一到三個句子組成。信尾客套話(complimentary close)通常也很簡明。

常常只須一個詞,如:“thanks”,“best”,“cheers”,不需要用一般信函中的“sincerely yours”或“best regards”。


如:jimmy,i received your memo and will discuss it with eric on wednesday.


d u wnt 2 go out 2nite:do you want to go out tonight?

oic:oh, i thoughts exactly.

brb:i’ll be right back.

fanx 4 ur elp:thanks for your help.

btw:by the way

imho:in my humble opinion

英語叫smiley.如: :代表“i’m smiling at this”, 代表“i’m sad about this”。

i hope the collected material above can be helpful for your improvement.



hi mandy pls see attached file pls advise delivery to us,thanks 請看以下附件,並請及時告訴我什麼時候可以交貨noted cfm receipt已收到。attached is the artwork for your approval附上...


如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。thank you and look forward to h ing your opinion on the estimation and schedule.谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。look forward to your feedback...


百度文库。标题 外贸英语邮件不该出现的错误。导读 相信很多朋友都曾接触过外贸英语邮件,但是对于这种邮件到底不该出现哪些错误却并不是很清楚,为了让自己有一个明确的认识,就需要好好的看看这些常见的错误介绍。一般情况下当大家对于外贸英语产生了兴趣之后,就会从下面了解到外贸英语邮件不该出现的错误,在明确了之...