实用工程建设现场英语 19 试车和开车

发布 2021-05-06 21:10:28 阅读 3513

十。九、试车和开车(30句)test run and start-up

we shall put the machine to trial (test run) after the erection work has been finished.这台机器安装工作完成以后就将进行试车。(试运转)

the mechanical completion check list of the unit has been approved by both of thebuyer’s and seler’s representative.


we should start the installation according to the instruction and operation manual.我们应该根据说明书和操作手册来开动这个装置。

the systematic hydrostatic test (dry run , hot test, dynamic test, actual start-up ) isscheduled for next monday.


we h**e planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before tuesday.我们计划在星期二以前完成机器的调试工作。

before initial start-up of the installation, we must check the equipment carefully.在装置初次开动以前,我们必须仔细地检查这些设备。shall we begin the test run at once?


the compressor is loaded up with the medium of air (nitrogen, process gas).压缩机以空气(氮气、工艺气体)加载运转。

the turbine had been running for 4 hours before carrying a full load.满载前已经运转了四个小时。

透平在。we shall soon put the chemical installation into commissioning test run. (performancetest)


according to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on october first thisyear.

根据进度表,今年十月一日将首次批量生产。the machine is in good working order.这台机器运转良好。

the machine is out of order, will you see to it , please.这台机器运转不好,请你去检看一下。i felt the machine shake seriously.

我感到这机器震动严重。the machine parts went hot.这机器零件发热。

the noise of the machine is very loud.这台机器噪音很大。the machine is knocking badly.


if there arises any abnormal temperature (unusual noises, vibration) ,it is necessary tostop the machine and investigate the cause.


you must turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the motor.如果电动机有什么毛病时,你必须关掉开关。

we h**e planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before tuesday.我们应该渐渐地增加压缩机的压力,并逐步投入满负荷运行。the rotation number of the machine is on the increase.


after a few hours running, we shall check the machine; and replace the oil , if necessary.在数小时运转后,我们将检查机器;并在必要时换油。

we shall select the suitable grease in accordance with the lubrication chart.我们要根据润滑表来选用合适的油脂。what is the trouble with the machine?

这机器有什么故障?i think the trouble lies here.我想故障在这里。

it is necessary that we should repair it at once.我们必须立即修理它。

we shall give the machine another trial at 10 o’clock.我们将在十点钟把这台机器再试一次。

the machine runs perfectly well, it had been operating with a continuous run of 72hours.


the result of the test run satisfied us.试车结果使我们很满意。

it is not doubtful that the test run will be successful.试车将会成功是无疑的。


内容目录。工程建设现场英语五百句 1 一 问候和介绍 36句 2 二 交谈语言 24句 3 三 日期和时间 20句 4 四 天气和环境 20句 5 五 在会议上 34句 6 六 工程项目 20句 8 七 计划与进度 20句 9 八 技术资料和图纸 34句 10 九 公用工程 20句 12 十 施工现...


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