
发布 2021-05-04 16:13:28 阅读 1544

l1. thinking as a hobby .

1. acquaintance


1) h**e a wide/ narrow/ circle of acquaintances.


2) h**e a nodding / speaking acquaintance with sb.


*辨:know---make one’s acquaintance.


3) h**e some acquaintance with sb./sth.


eg: i h**e some acquaintance with french.

4) make one’s acquaintance.

make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人。

* alas.--alaska

2. anguish .n.

n. 极度的痛苦;苦恼;

vt. 使苦恼。

vi. 感到苦恼。

in anguish. 在痛苦中。

the anguish at sth.

eg: this is my anguish at the death of my dear granny.

eg: he was in anguish over his lost love.

3. atheist n. 无神论者。

4. budhist

*taoist; muslim; christian; catholics

eg:without sorrow none becomes buddha.

buddhism was founded by the buddha.

a buddhist monk. buddhist nun.

5. bulge. n. vi凸出;隆起;

bulge with sth.塞满…

eg: the sacks were bulging with corns.

辨:protrude---stick out.--bulge


1). look, a needle __of the sofa.

2). the girl’s surname is “bao-ya- zhen” which means she has __teeth. furthermore, her forehead is also __

3). she always carries a __bundle of sugar canes back home at this season.

6. centralized


centre(园) -middle. (狭长;时间)

eg: the central part of city

in the middle of the month/ room/road.

after-school centre; shopping centre;

banking centre; body building centre;

bargain centre;(议价市场)

aquaticsports centre;

airway traffic control centre; (空中交通管制中心)

air-route traffic control centre.(航线交通管理中心)

airforce flight test centre. (空军飞行试验中心)

* concentrate. v. n. 集中;浓缩。

eg:concentrate your attention on the study!

7. compensation. n.补偿;



counterbalance---比balance 多一层“抵消”的意思。即:为和对方保持平衡而抵消对方占优势的部分或弥补自己的不足。

practice: 选以上同义词填空:

1).mine hoists (矿井升降机) are usually operated by the __of an ascending and a descending car.(counterbalance)

2). the company __her for extra work.


3).can you __yourself on the skating-shoes?(balance)

4). the boy’s earnest effort __his slowness at learning.(counterbalance)

5). nothing can __for the loss of time. (compensate)

6). this side __the other side.(balance)

8. compulsive.


eg: 1).a frightening and compulsive novel.

2).compulsive drinking and sleeping are not good for your health.

3).a compulsive liar.(说谎者)

4). n). cultural compulsives.( 文化驱迫力)

5). h**e a compulsive desire to do sth.




9. confer. vt.授予;协商;参照;

confer sth. on sb. 把…授予某人。

eg: confer a medal / an honorary degree on the hero.


confer with…交换意见;

advise with… 征询意见;

consult with… 向… 求教;

parley with…. 谈判;

treat for sth. 商议;


1). the doctor often___his patients.(confers )

2). the board chairman seldom __his employees.( advise with…)

3). we knew little on the law therefore we had to __an attorney. (consult with…)

4). this time they had to __the enemy reps during the cease-fire. (parley with)

5). the delegates from the new labour union __the recognition of their union. (treat )

10. confront. vt.面对;面临;对抗。

* front---frontier“边界”(某国单方面提及的)--border“边界”(国与国之间的)

辩:confront difficulties.


be confronted with/by difficulties.


eg: when confronting with a horse, most people will pat it.

the new bridge was confronted by the tsunami(=seismic sea w**e.)

confront sb. with sth.使…与…对质。

he confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship.


11. contemplate. vt. 对…周密思考凝视;

contemplate on/ upon sth.


eg: he was contemplating her in silence.

lying in bed, she was contemplating her future.

12. 轻视;轻蔑。

show contempt for sth./sb.藐视。

eg: never show contempt for a snivel-running kid.

hold sth./ sb. in contempt. 认为…不屑一顾。

eg: small wonder that many voters hold those politicians in contempt.

13. 矛盾;否认;反驳。

contradict. vt.

eg: contradict oneself.“自相矛盾”

14. conversion. n. 变换;皈依;

eg: to convert defeat into victory.

转败为胜”15. current affairs.时事;

current events

current account.活期存款;

electric current. 电流;

eg: the h1n1 flu was currently going around our college.

16. 缺乏;不足;

eg: if you h**e but moderate abilities, industry(勤奋) will supply their deficiency.


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