1 4 3Vocabulary大学英语精读

发布 2021-05-04 15:47:28 阅读 4051

unit four cultural diversitytext 3 the beauty of britain

1. adoring(adj.):

deeply loving and highly respectful崇拜的;敬慕的;(口语)很喜爱的2. bring to light: to discover or reveal发现,揭示,公开。

3. lyrical(adj.):

also lyric) poetic and romantic, expressing strong personal feelings, usually in a songlike form抒情诗调的,充满感情的。

4. rhythm(n.):

a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements节奏,韵律5. tone up: to make stronger, healthier, or livelier增强,使更健康。

6. authentic(adj.):

genuine; known to h**e been made ,painted, written, etc., by the person who has done it可信的;真的;真正的。

7. (l2) define(v.):

to explain the exact qualities, limits, duties, etc.定义,详细说明8. (l3) immensely(adv.

):very much; enormously无限地,广大地,庞大地,非常9. (l4) compass(n.

):an extent or range范围,界(限),境界10. (l5) illimitable(adj.


11. league(n.):

large area; old measurement of distance of about three miles or five kilometers里格,一长度单位,相当于3.0法定英里(4.8公里)

12. (l5) deprive of: (usually deprive sb.

of sth.) to take away, or prevent from h**ing or using剥夺,夺去13. (l7) pack into:

to fit, crush, or push into a space挤进。里,涌进14. (l8) smallish(adj.

):rather small

15. (l9) (a)round the corner:very near; coming soon在附近,即将来临。

16. (l10) adjust (to):to change slightly, especially in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose调整,调节,使适合。

17. (l14) **iator(n.):old use) the pilot of an aircraft飞行员。

18. (l16) colossal(adj.):extremely large, immense巨大的,庞大的。

19. (l17) prairie(n.):

an extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plainof central north america.大草原,多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原。

20. (l18) desolating(adj.):

causing to feel immensely sad and depressed; causing one to feel that one is without friends orhope; causing an intense feeling of isolation (from others)孤独的;被遗弃的;凄凉的。

21. (l20) geographical feature:something noticeable in a particular area of the country, for example, a hill, a river, or **alley地理特征。

22. (l23) with ease:easily, without difficulty容易地,轻而易举地。

23. (l28) jagged(adj.):

also jaggy) h**ing a rough uneven edge, often with sharp points参差不齐的;锯齿状的24. (l30) ledge(n.):

a narrow horizontal projection coming out from a wall, cliff or other upright surface壁架;架状突出物;礁石。

25. (l34) miniature(n.):

a copy or model that represents or reproduces something in a greatly reduced size缩微模型26. (l36) air(n.):

the general character or appearance of, or feeling caused by, a person or a place气度,气势27. (l42) hanging woods:trees and bushes that grow on the sides of cliffs陡坡林。

28. (l42) moorland (n.):

a wide, open, often high area of land covered with rough grass or low bushes高沼地;泥沼地29. (l44) height (n.):

a high point or position高点或高位。

30. (l46) manufacturing (adj.):

****** or producing especially by machinery or other industrial processes and usually inlarge quantities制造业的。

31. (l47) exquisite (adj.):

very finely made or done; extremely beautiful, or of the highest quality优美的,高雅的,精致的32. (l47) (in) moderation (n.):

within proper or sensible limits适度,节制。

33.(l48)compromise(between/on)(n.):of the other妥协;和解;折衷。

34. (l49) irrational (adj.):

not (done by) using reason; against reasonable beh**ior不合理的,无理性的35. (l50) tameness (n.):

the state of being neither fierce nor wild, trained to live with people驯熟,温顺。

36. (l53) wilderness (n.):

occasionally derogatory) any place where there is no sign of human presence or control荒野,荒地。

37. (l56) insinuate (into) (v.):

to causeto become part of (something) by indirect, artful methods使逐步而巧妙地取得,使迂回地潜入(或挤入),使慢慢滋长。

38. (l58) moderate (adj.):

of medium or **erage quantity or extent中等的,适度的39. (l58) compel (v.):

to force (someone) to do something强迫,迫使40. (l60) at heart:in one’s deepest feelings; really; in fact实际上。

41. (l61) out of hours:outside of working hours; during one’s spare time在上班时间外42.

(l70) trim(adj.):tidy, in good order; pleasingly neat in appearance整齐的,整洁的。

43. (l71) hedge (n.):

a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually cut level at the top dividing one garden orfield from another树篱,障碍物。

44. (l71) (in the) foreground (n.):

nearest to or in the front of a scene or picture前景,最显著的位置45. (l72) dragoon (v.):


46. (l73) fit into:to adapt to; to match or harmonize适应,符合47.

(l73, l82) snugly (adv.):cozily or comfortably舒适温暖地。

48. (l80) motto (n.):

a short sentence or a few words (often in latin) taken as the guiding principle of a person, of a school,etc.座右铭,格言,题词。

49. (l81) harmony (n.):

a state of complete agreement in feelings, ideas, etc.和睦;和谐;和平50. (l81) enchantment (n.

):a delightful influence or feeling of delight迷惑,着迷。


section a 1.undo 英音 n du 美音 n du vt.1 解开,打开 使松开 脱去 衣服等 he undid the parcel.他打开了包裹。2 取消,消除 使失败 使复旧。what s done cannot be undone.覆水难收。3 破坏,败坏 成果 名誉等 毁灭。...

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