
发布 2021-05-04 14:12:28 阅读 5233

i. 语法复习: 省略与替代(2)


1. 在if引起的从句中如有等词倒装时,省略if。

were i you, i would not do it.

had we known your telephone number, i would h**e given you a phone call.

2. we h**e finished our homework, so h**e they. (and they h**e finished their homework , too) if you don't go to the concert, neither shall i. (i shall not go to the concert either)



prevent sb (from) doing sthstop sb (from) doing sth.

h**e trouble / difficulty (in) doing sthspend time / money (in) doing sth.

be busy (in) doing sth.

ii. 句型复习:插入语。



to tell you the truth 老实对您说 to be sure 确实to be honest 老实说

generally speaking 一般来说 judging by his …从…来判断

including…. 包括….

in my opinion 依我看 for example 例如by the way 顺便说一下。

on the contrary 恰恰相反 as a result 结果。

however 不过surely 的确still 当然。

besides 再说that is to say 就是说 i’m afraid. 恐怕。

iii.词汇:a. 常用动词用法 (32)

matter vi. 有关系,有严重性,要紧。

没关系 it doesn’t matter.

it doesn’t matter that...it doesn’t make difference that...it doesn’t matter doing sth.

n. what’s the matter? 怎么啦what’s the matter with ..

no matter what(how...不管怎么...

it is no matter that...没关系 as a matter of fact 事实上,不瞒你说。

b.. 记住下列词汇:

screen(屏幕) secretary(秘书) separately(分开地) serious(严重的)

servant(仆人) service(serve)(服务) shabby(破旧的thorough(彻地的)

measure(测量) medal(奖章) medical(医学的medicine(药)




coast(海岸) fierce(猛烈的) fragile(易脆的gymnast(gymnastics)(体操(运动员))

russian(russia) (语socialism(socialist)(社会主义memory(memorize)(纪念)


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