
发布 2021-05-04 05:52:28 阅读 8438

陆月 :chinese business woman

张莉莉:american business woman

金菲 :the waitress

陈灵:the manager

陆月: 张莉莉,nice to meet you .

张莉:me too .it’s my honor to do business with you.

陆月:miss li,,i like the music here and the layout of the about you ?

张莉莉:yes,i agree with you,i like the atmosphere and service here .

陆月:when did you start to do business?

张莉莉:well, i began to do business since 2007

陆月:okay,i hear that dishes here are very famous,shall we order some dishes now?



金菲:excuse me ,madam, this is our menu . what would you like to drink?.

外国商人看了一下菜单:just water,please.

张莉莉:can you introduce some specilty in your restaurant to us?

waitress:no are four cuisines in our most famous dishes are:four glad meat balls (四喜丸子),chicken without sexual life (童子鸡),bean curd made by a pork-marked woman (麻婆豆腐),red burned lion head (红烧狮子头),ants climbing tree(蚂蚁上树) slobbering chicken(口水鸡)twice –cooked pork (回锅肉).

husband and wife’s lung slice (夫妻肺片)our restaurant also provides one time sex box for you to pack dishes (提供一次性打包盒)

张莉莉:ahh,nasty,i do wanna change a restaurant,shall we go now?


陈灵:can i help you ?is there anything wrong?

张莉莉:idare not h**e dishes the food here seem so disgusting

陈灵:oh,there must be misunderstanding here . the girl is new one, maybe she made some mistake about the translation, what can i do for you?

张莉莉:her english is not good ,oh,so why wouldn’t you introduce the specialty to us ?

陈灵:sure :vermicel with spicy minced pork (蚂蚁上树),)stewed turtle in clear soup (清炖甲鱼),diced chicken with chli and peanuts (宫保鸡丁),maputufu ((麻婆豆腐),stewed pullet (清蒸童子鸡),pork meat balls (狮子头)braist praws in rice wine (黄焖大虾),beef and ox tripe in chli sauce (夫妻肺片)and so on .

what would you like to order?

张莉莉:i’d like to order stewed tripe in clear soup







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