日常对话出口成章 二

发布 2021-05-03 01:41:28 阅读 7302

for reasons of因……理由,为……缘故。

the road has been closed for reasons of safety.为了安全起见,路已经被封了。

为了更好地获得,他们转向了一种新产品。in memory of为纪念……,为追悼……

she set up an educational fund in memory of hermother.

她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育**会。thismuseumwasbuiltinmemoryofthegreatwriter-lu xun.

这个博物馆是为了纪念伟大作家鲁迅而建造的。in order to为了……

most students study hard in order to please theteacher.


business schools are trying to improve their

courses in order to produce better graduates.为了培养出更好的毕业生,商务学校在改进他们的课程。

for one’s benefit/for the benefit of 为了……的利益为了帮助……

it is not his fault. he did it for your benefit.这不是他的过错。

他是为了你的利益才这样做的。all the donations are for the benefit of thedisabled children.

所有的捐款都是为了帮助残疾儿童。for fear of以免,以防。

put on a coat for fear of catching a cold.穿上外衣以免感冒。


as a result结果是。

as a result, the unemployment rate began to fall.结果,失业率开始下降。

as a result, 50 per cent of the groundwater incities is polluted.

结果,城市50%的地表水受到污染。in honor of为纪念……,为庆祝……

they are holding a birthday party in honor of theprince.


the book was written in honor of those who died inthe war.

这本书是为纪念在战争中死亡的人而写的。in f**or of为了支持……,赞同……的。

he spoke at the meeting in f**or of the plan.他在会上发言赞成这个计划。

most educators are in f**or of distance learning.多数教育家支持远程教育。


英语日常对话口语。英语日常对话口语。英语日常口语对话一。woman hi,longtime no see.how h e you been女 hi,好外没见了,你最近还好吧。man oh,i vebeenfine,buti mh ingsometroublewith my son.男 噢,我挺好的,...


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