
发布 2021-05-03 01:31:28 阅读 4033

: how much is this?

b: you mean the large one or the small one?

a: the large one.

b: they're on special this week. they've been reduced to five dollars.

a: is this the only kind you h**e?

b: no. we h**e some that are different in style but not in color.

they're over there. do you see the sign?

a: oh, yes. i think i'll look at those over there before i decide.

b: very well. just take your time.

译文:a: 这个多少钱?

b: 您是指大的还是小的?

a: 大的。

b: 这个星期****,已经减到五美元一个了。

a: 你们只有这一种吗?

b: 不,我们还有一些式样不同但颜色相同的。在那边,您看见那个标记了吗?

a: 噢,看到了,我想我得先到那边看看再说。

b: 好的。您慢慢挑吧。

注解 :1)on special: =on sale **或减价。

2)reduce (v): cut 减少。

例: he is trying to reduce expenses.


3)style (n): mode, type款式,式样。

2 bad luck

jane: i heard that kevin got divorced. is that true?

eddie: not so bad,but kevin does h**e problems with his wife.

jane: what?

eddie: his wife always complained that kevin's salary was too low and got no promotion.

jane: poor kevin, we should do something for him. he is a nice guy and does his job well.

eddie: yeah, i agree with you. but you know, it's just one of those things.

译文:简: 我听说凯文离婚了,是真的吗?

艾迪: 还不至于这么糟。不过凯文和他妻子确实有些矛盾。

简: 怎么了?

艾迪: 他妻子老是抱怨他薪水太低,又不见提升。

简: 可怜的凯文。我们真该帮他做点什么。他是个好小伙子,工作也干得不错。

艾迪: 是啊,你说得没错。但你也是知道的,每个人都可能遇到这些事情。

注解 :1)divorced (adj): 离婚的。

2)salary (n): 工资,薪水。

例: he finally got a job in a company paying good salaries.


3 just look around

a: broadway mall is h**ing a big sale this weekend. you wanna go?

b: don't feel like it. i'm broke.

a: well, we can still do some window shopping, can't we?

b: just look around? ah, that's boring.

a: i'll go myself then.

译文:a: 百老汇购物中心周末大减价,想去看看吗?

b: 没有兴致。我没钱。

a: 去嘛。 那我们只是随便逛逛,不可以吗?

b: 四处看看? 啊,那太无聊了。

a: 那我自己去好了。

注解 :1)wanna go = want to go 想去。

2)window shopping: 不买而浏览橱窗内的商品。


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