
发布 2021-04-30 13:46:28 阅读 4108


1. it is the traditional music played during the new year.

解析】主干部分为“它是传统的**it is the traditional music”,此处**是特指,故用the修饰;弹奏played作后置定语;在春节期间during the new year。

2. 它讲述了记住老朋友的必要性。

解析】tells about讲述,the need to do sth.做某事的必要性,remember记住。

3. no one knows who wrote the poem first / no one knows who was the first (one) to write the poem

解析】没有人知道no one knows,who引导宾语从句作knows的宾语;写,应使用过去式wrote。

4. 这首歌主要在美国的除夕夜被演奏。

解析】the song is played这首歌被演奏,使用了一般现在时的被动语态,in the united states在美国,on new year’s eve在除夕夜。

5. 我祝愿我们广播节目的所有朋友们都有一个快乐的新年。

解析】wish sb. sth. 祝愿 (希望) 某人怎么样;all the friends所有朋友们;radio program广播节目。


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