
发布 2021-04-30 03:06:28 阅读 6834




)1. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆车时,应该问:

a. how much is the car?

b. how many cars can you see?

c. i can see five cars.

)2. 当你想知道别人会不会骑自行车时,应该问:

a. can you make a bike?

b. can you ride a bike?

c. can you riding a bike?

)3. 当你想知道钢笔放哪儿时,应该问:

a. where is the eraser?

b. where is the pen?

c. where is it from?

)4. 当你想知道物品的颜色时,应该问:

a. what is this?

b. what's that?

c. what colour is it?

)5. 当别人夸你的自行车漂亮时,你应该说:

a. don't say that.

b. thank you.

c. oh, no.

)6. 询问病情,应该说:

a. how do you do?

b. what's the matter with you?

c. how about you?

)7. 别人来你的学校参观,你表示欢迎,应该说:

a. welcome to our school.

b. welcome back to school.

c. this is our school.

)8. 问路,应该说:

a. how can i get to the bus stop?

b. do you know it?

c. how can you tell me the way?

)9. 别人向你问路,你不知道,应该说:

a. it's over there, i think.

b. go and ask the policeman.

c. sorry, i don't know.

)10. 问某段时间通常做什么事情,应该说:

a. what do you usually do?

b. what are you doing?

c. what are you going to do?

)11. 对别人说,你也有一本书:

a. you h**e a book, too.

b. i h**e a book, too.

c. we h**e a book, too.

)12. 夸奖别人的衣服漂亮时,应该说:

a. good!

b. fine.

c. how nice!

)13. 问别人从**来,应该说:

a. what's your name?

b. where are you from?

c. what do you do?

)14. 打搅别人时,应该说:

a. glad to meet you.

b. excuse me.

c. hello!

)15. 放学了,应该说:

a. hello, mr zhang.

b. goodbye, mr zhang.

c. here you are.

)16. 如果你不会用英语说某物,你可以这样问老师:

a. do you know english?

b. what's this in english?

c. can you spell it?

)17. 你的好朋友ann今天过生日,你应该对她说:

a. happy new year.

b. happy birthday.

c. you are a beautiful girl.

)18. 上英语课时,老师叫明明回答问题,明明回答得非常正确,老师应该说:

a. very good.

b. you're wrong.

c. stand up, please.

)19. 晚上睡觉前,你应该对爸爸妈妈说:

a. good evening.

b. good night.

c. bye-bye!

)20. 教师节那天,你看到老师应该说:

a. good teachers' day!

b. nice to meet you!

c. happy teachers' day!

)21. 当你没听清对方的话,想对方重复一遍时,应该说:

a. great!

b. really?

c. pardon?

)22. 当你的好朋友总是运气不佳时,你应该说:

a. enjoy yourself!

b. h**e a good time.

c. good luck!

)23. -what's your job?

a. i'm thirteen.

b. i like singing.

c. i'm a singer.

)24. -what's the weather like today?

a. it's a nice day.

b. don't forget your raincoat.

c. it's monday.

-- i like music.

a. what do you do?

b. can i help you?

c. what's your hobby?

)26. -how do you do?

a. how do you do?

b. how do you do, too?

c. how old are you?

)27. -your dress is very beautiful.

a. oh, no.

b. thank you.

c. don't say that.

-- 10 yuan.

a. how many books do you h**e?

b. how much is the book?

c. how about the book?

)29. -hello!

a. goodbye, mike.

b. hi! i'm tom.

c. hello! this is betty.

)30. -where are you from?

a. i'm from china.

b. i am a chinese teacher.

c. i'm from chinese.

)31. -how are you?

a. i am nine.

b. i am fine.

c. i am a student.

)32. -where are the stamps?

a. it's in the book.

b. they are in the book.

c. they are japanese stamps.

)33. -how many children are there?

a. yes, there are.

b. no, there isn't.

c. there are five.

)34. -would you like some bananas?

a. i am sorry.

b. no, thanks.

c. no, you can't.

-- fine, thank you.

a. how old are you?

b. how is the day?

c. how are you?

)36. -what colour is it?

a. it's green.

b. it's a green.

c. it's green.

)37. -what's the name of his cat?

a. it's a chinese cat.

b. it's an english cat.

c. its name is mimi.

-- sure, here you are.

a. may i use your bike?

b. is this your bike?

c. what's this in english.

)39. -thank you.

a. that's all right.

b. very good.

c. all right.

-- i'm from japan.

a. where are you?

b. where are you from?

c. what are you?


) 1. a rabbit is 99kg.

) 2. a new pencil is about 18cm long.

) 3. an elephant is bigger than a mouse.

) 4. i'm excited, because i h**e a headache.

) 5. i went to hainan on my holiday. i went skiing here.

) 6. usually i go to school by plane.

) 7. it's snowy and cold. amy has a cold.

) 8. you h**e two eyes and one mouth.


单词部分。1.收获 收割。2.庆祝。3.狩猎者。4.使 饿死。5.起源 起因。6.虔诚的。7.祖先。8.信任 信仰。9.到来。10.独立的。11.搜集 聚集。12.农业 农学。13.赞美 羡慕。14.精力充沛的。15.习惯 风俗。16.世界性的。17.必要性。18.许可。19.预言 预告。20.道歉...


必修1词语检测。一 根据所给汉语意思为英文单词选择一个准确的释义。20小题 描述b.口音c.原因d.结果活跃的b.积极地c.行为d.积极 a.公寓住宅b.使分离c.单元d.家吸引b.进攻c.打击d.批判。在 上面b.在 旁边c.在 前面d.在 下面繁忙b.爆发c.掩埋d.弯身运河b.能c.洞穴d.海...


2011年浙江省大学生物理竞赛。理论竞赛卷。考试形式 闭卷,允许带无存储功能的计算器入场。考试时间 2011 年 12 月 10 日上午8 30 11 30 气体摩尔常量玻尔兹曼常量 真空介电常数 0 8.8510 12c2 nm2 真空中光速 c 3108m s 普朗克常数h 6.6310 34j...