
发布 2021-04-29 11:36:28 阅读 8143



1.有相同的爱好2. do well in3.

和···交谈4. go for a walk5.得了重感冒6.

that's true7.在周末8. do more exercise9.

玩得很高兴10. well done二、根据所给中文完成下列句子。(6分)1.

what are the孩子们)doing?2. d**id likes收集邮票).


4. you'll get更强壮)and you'll do更好)in pe.5. shall we开始)our课)now?

6. tom is缺席)because he生病) today.7.

please speak大声地).i can't听见)you.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。


1. he's not asstrong) as the other children.2.

look! they'reh**e) a chat.3.

jim can play musicbeautiful).

4. which ishe**y), the bear or the elephant?5.

h**e a good rest. you'll getgood) soon.

6. a: whatdo) yang ling often do after school?

b: he __go) home anddraw) some pictures.7.

a: whatdo) su hai do last sunday morning?b:

hego) for a walk in the park.四、从ⅱ栏中能与ⅰ栏中句子相对应的答语。(10分)

) 1. do you h**e any problemsa: i get up at six your homework?

) 2. what time do you get up?b: i'm sorry. the traffic washe**y.

) 3. how about going out for ac: i'm good at around the lake?

) 4. can you jump higher than ben?d:

yes, there are.()5. what's the matter?

e: yes, she is.

) 6. is your mother good at driving a car? f:

that's a good idea.()7. are these any butterflies?

g: i h**e some problemswith english.

) 8. you're liu tao's.()9.

what are you good at?i: yes, i can.

()10. whose schoolbag is he**ier?j:

no, i don't.五、完成对话,每空一词。(10分)1.

aare you going?

b: i'm going to the shopping you want to do?

blike toa hatmy shall we go theretaxi?b: all right.

2. ayou get up asasas your brother?b:

no. i get up at 6:30, but heup at so you get up __than him.


) 1come to yang ling's birthday party?a. would like tob.

would you like toc. would you liked. would you to

) 2. -where __you just now? -iin the was, wereb.

was, wasc. were, wasd. were, were() 3.

ben and i __some flowers last week.

a. plantb. plantedc.

plantingd. plants() 4. -what __he do?

-he __pears on the does, pickb. did, picksc. does, pickedd.

did, picked() 5. this knife is yours, annplease.

a. put on itb. put it onc. put it awayd. put it away() 6. i want to __it is fun!


) 7. can you say the names __the things?a.

forb. toc. withd.

of() 8. all myto my birthday party last night.

a. friends cameb. friend camec.

friends comed. friend come() 9your new sweaterme, please.

a. show, tob. give, forc.

h**e, ford. shows, to() 10. the walkman is insu hai's theb.

/c. ad. that() 11.

-here's a card for you. happy birthday! -a.

thanksb. no, thank youc. yes, pleased.

ok() 12. it's very hot. jim is __his coat.

a. putting onb. taking offc.

taking downd. take off() 13make noise; they' don't; listeningb. not; listeningc.

don't() 14. -what day is it todaya. it's february 10b.

it's a wednesdayc. it's fined. friday

) 15. "keep off the grass" meansa. we shouldn't make any noise on the grassb.

we shouldn't walk on the grass

c. we shouldn't eat or drink on the grass

d. we shouldn't smoke on the grass七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成句子。(6分)

jimisn'thappyfor(因为)hecan'tdow___he's strong and he r __f___than jim. mike is his anotherclassmate; he can run as fast as ben. but jim is good at english and mathsand he can jump h __

so he will do more exercise and get she will do b __in pe.八、阅读短文并回答短文后的问题。(8分)

last week, the animals had a sports meeting. elephant beibei and antlele had the weight lift. although lele is smaller and thinner, he liftedmuch he**ier things than his body, so he won(获胜).

next, rabbit benbenand tortoise(乌龟)xiaobai had a race. benben thought(想)himself wouldbe the winner(获胜者). he laughed at xiaobai, "follow me, slower guy?

" heran as fast as he could until(直到)he couldn't see xiaobai. "let me h**ea rest," he said to himself and slept under a big tree···

suddenly he heard the cheers(欢呼声).xiaobai won the first prize(第一名).benben couldn't laugh

1. when did the animals h**e a sports meeting?

2. why could the ant win?

3. did the rabbit win?

4. why couldn't benben win the first prize?


1. h**e the same hobby 2.擅长···3. talk with 4.去散步5. h**e a had cold

6.确实如此7. at weekends 8.做更多的运动9. h**e a good time 10.干得不错二、

1. children 2. collecting stamps 3.

as far as 4. stronger, better 5. start, lessons6.

absent, is ill 7. loudly, hear三、

1. strong 2. h**ing 3.

beautiful 4. he**ier 5. better6.

does, goes, draws 7. did, went四、

j a f i g e d b c h五、

1. where, what, i'd, buy, for, by 2. do, early, gets, later六、

b c b d ca d a a ba b c d b七、

1. well, runs, faster, higher, stronger, better2. t t f t f t八、

1. last week 2. because he could lift much he**ier things than his body.

3. no, he didn't 4. because he slept under a big tree till the race was over.


一 at表示时间概念的某一个点。在某时刻 时间 阶段等 at 1 00 dawn,midnight,noon 在一点钟 黎明 午夜 中午 these are our chief tasks at the present stage 这些就是我们现阶段的主要任务。二 on 1.表示具体日期。they ...


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