
发布 2021-04-29 10:57:28 阅读 2128


小学名称姓名: 考号: 成绩:


( )1. a. yesterday b. family c. day d. monday

( )2. a. hear b. pear c. ear d. near

( )3. a. three b. those c. their d. these

( )4. a. food b. foot c. book d. good

( )names b. apples c. faces d. balls


1. 二瓶果汁2. 在树下3. 双胞胎兄弟___4. 在天空中___5. 穿红衣服的女孩___


1. he __h**e) got a skipping rope.

2. please give __i) a cup of tea.

3. let's go __shop) with my mother!

4. how many __hour) are there in a day?

5. "here you arethank)."


a. let's go to the zoo. b. good night. c. this is mr zhang.

d. look at the new car. e. come and sit here.

)1. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:__

( )2. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色奥迪轿车,可以说:

( )3. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:__

)4. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:__

)5. 你向helen介绍一下张老师,应该说:__


( )1. what's that man?

a. he's my brother. b. yes,he is. c. she's a teacher. d. he's a teacher.

( )2. _you see the blackboard?

a. do b. are c. is d. can

( )3. it's time __play games.

a. in b. on c. for d. to

( )4. the man __the photo is my father.

a. in b. on the c. in the d. under

( )5. whose gloves are they? _my __

a. it's,mother's b. they're,mother's

c. they're,mother d. it's,mother

( )6. there are __on the table.

a. two bottles of milk b. two bottles milk

c. two bottles of milks d. two bottle of milk

( )7. "what would you like?""i'd like __to eat."

a. something b. apple c. meat d. some orange

( )8. look! some meat __in the box. some apples __in the basket.

a. are,are b. is,is c. are,is d. is,are

( )9. _would you like __breakfast?

a. what,with b. what,for c. what,at d. how,for

( )10. what about

a. something to eat b. to eat something

c. something eat d. eat something


1. you,what,wrong,is,with

2. is,the,what,weather,today,like

3. you,me,please,could,help

4. to,i,put,the,ball,in,the,box,want

5. fox,wolf,friends,and,are

七、请在ab c中找出与划线部分意义相近的词或句子。(10分)

( )1. wang hai does well in english.

a. likes b. is good at c. is writing

( )2. a: it's hot inside. please open the window.

b: pardon?

a. please say it again. b. i'm sorry. c. all right.

( )3. tom! this is my uncle.

a. my father's brother. b. my mother's sister.

c. my father's sister.

( )4. what's the time? it's a quarter to one.

a. 1:15 b. 1:45 c. 12:45

( )5. can i play the video games now? i'm afraid you can't.

a. you're welcome. b. that's ok. c. please don't.


jack is a teacher of english. he is not young,but he is not old. he has a round face and black hair.

he is tall. there are fifty students in his class. they all like him.

now it's in the afternoon. look,some students are working in the classroom. jack is there,too.

he is helping them to study english. he is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of them all.

( )1. what does jack do?

a. he is a worker. b. he is a teacher.

c. he is a doctor. d. he's a nurse.

( )2. what colour is his hair?

a. it's black. b. his heir is white.

c. it is brown. d. he has yellow hair.

)3. how many students are there in his class?

a. there are fifteen students in his class. b. there's fifty

c. he has fiftyd. there're fifty in it.

)4. jack is a good teacher,isn't he?

a. yes,he isn't. b. no,he is.

c. yes,he's. d. yes,he is.

)5. what are the students doing in the classroom?

a. they are walking there. b. they are doing their lessons.

c. they are helping their teacher. d. they are good friends of jack.


一. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c

二 1.two bottles of juice

2.under the tree

3.twin brothers


一 at表示时间概念的某一个点。在某时刻 时间 阶段等 at 1 00 dawn,midnight,noon 在一点钟 黎明 午夜 中午 these are our chief tasks at the present stage 这些就是我们现阶段的主要任务。二 on 1.表示具体日期。they ...


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