
发布 2021-04-27 17:34:28 阅读 6321



一般现在时:经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态,还有表示喜好,性格特征等要用一般现在时。结构:通常动词用原形,主语是第三人称单数如she, he, it, 动词加s 或es

正在进行时:表示现在(即说话人的说话时刻)正在进行的动作。结构:be(am, is



将来时:将要发生的动作或行为。结构: be +going to +动词原形或 will +动词原形。


过去时常见的时间词语: yesterday, two days ago, last+其他时间(如last monday), in +过去的年份 ,once upon a time, at that time. this morning等。

一般现在时: every +其他时间, twice a week, often, usually, always(总是), seldom(很少), sometimes(有时)

一般将来时: tomorrow, next week, from now on(从现在开始), in a month(一个月后), in the future(将来。

正在进行时: now , 前面含有look, listen等的祈使句子。

其它:1 祈使句 , 用动词原形,否定句 don’t +动词原形。

2 情态动词(can, must, may, need等)后面+原形。

3动词后面+动词的ing ,like, stop enjoy等。

4 大部分动词后面+to +原形 ,如want ,like,


1. jimnot look) out of the window in class.

2. i likerun) best, but my friendlike play) football best.

3. look, the buscome).

4. there (be) a little milk in the bottle. you mustn’t (waste) it.

5. maryspeak) chinese well. she oftengo) to school on foot.

6. a: hi, hong wei! where yougo)?

b: to the flower show.

7. sandy oftendo ) his homework in the library.

8. classbegin). don’tmake) any noise.

9. look, the birds canfly)in the sky.

10. he oftenfly) to many places on business..

11. look,the childrenswim). they likeswim) very much.

12. look at the classroom rules. we mustn’trun) in the classroom.

13. suedo)her homework this evening.

14. peterh**e) got a pen pal in new york.

15. it’srain) now. itrain) tomorrow.

16. mumtell) us a story yesterday afternoon.

she often __us stories at the weekend.

17. tommy sometimesdo) homework in the library.

18. the wangsvisit) shanghai next month.

19. what___she __do) in her bedroom now?

shemake) a plan for the summer holiday.

20. my brother __be) 20 last year. hebe) a policeman last december.

21. sometimes my fathergo) to the gym on sunday.

22. isee) a film tomorrow evening.

23. billy usuallyh**e) a lot of milk in the morning.

24. there is a kitefly) in the sky.

25write) on your *****, please. now shewrite) on it.

26. whatyour fatherdo)? hebe) a driver.

27. ito the funfair yesterday morning. (go)

28. alice alwayslunch at school. (h**e)

29. the baby __be) sad one minute ago

30. peter musthis homework now. (do)

31. the ugly ducklinga beautiful swan. (become)

32. at that time my uncle __forty-two. now he is fifty-five. (be)

33. therebe) a cinema near our school. isee) a movie with my good friend tomorrow afternoon.

34. he __be) fat at that time. now hebe) thin.

35. therebe) some trees behind our house five years ago.

36. be quiet. the little babysleep) in the room.

37. whocome) in to the library next friday?

38. the whitesvisit) beijing now. tomorrow theyvisit) shanghai.

39. must i __sweep) the floor? no, isweep) it just now.

40. a: _hemake) the bed every day? b: yes, he does

41. a: what __you __do) last night? b: iwatch) tv news..

42. the boygrow) up. he became a basketball player.

43. iwatch) tv series yesterday evening.

44. istudy) in this school in 2001.

45. what __youdo) yesterday? imake) a model plane.

46. we alwaysclean) our classroom after school.

47. a: what are you doing under the hill? b: weh**e)a picnic.

48. my classmate, johncome) here before 4:00 tomorrow morning.

49. lucycall) home just now. but nobody___answer).

50. i shall ask alicehelp) you.

51. _the birdsbuild) their home in the tree every year?

52. look. the buscome). let’sget) on it.


语法指导 一什么是时态?时 表示 时间 态 指的是 动词的形式 不同的时间在英语里面动词要变换不同的形式。小学英语时态 一般现在时,正在进行时,一般过去时 小学简称过去时 和将来时。一般现在时 经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态,还有表示喜好,性格特征等要用一般现在时。结构 通常动词用原形,主语是第三人...


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