
发布 2020-01-03 08:01:28 阅读 3831


what subjects do you study?你们学习什么科目?subjects 科目 study学习

we study...我们学习。

do you h**e art?你们有(上)艺术课吗?

yes, we do. we h**e art on tuesday.是的,我们有。我们在周二有(上)艺术课。

when do you/does bill study...你/比尔什么时候学习。

do 的第三人称单数形式是does ,当主语是第三人称时,要用does构成一般疑问句。

目前我们接触的第三人称有 he she it还有name(名字)

unit2we (usually) h**e science in the science lab.我们通常在科学实验室里上科学课。

usually 通常,science lab 科学实验室。

we exercise on the playground on friday.周五我们在操场上锻炼。

on the playground在操场 on friday在周五具体某一天时用介词on

we do reading in the library.我们在图书馆里阅读。in the library在图书馆。

do reading是do+v-ing形式例 do shopping,do cooking


what time do you usually get up every morning?每天早晨你通常什么时候起床?

what time和when都是什么时候区别:what time 一般用来询问点钟,或者问某事在某天的哪个具体时刻发生。when可以对点钟、日期、年份、月份等非钟点时间内容进行提问。

when do you h**e breakfast? at 7:00 am.你什么时候吃早餐? 在上午7:00。

what do you / does li zhan usually do at 7:00 am?

在上午7:00你 / 李展通常做什么?

unit4what do you do at study time? 在学习时间你做什么?

i read books.我读书。

breakfast time is at 7:00 am.早餐时间是上午7:00。

all students must h**e their breakfast in the canteen.所有的学生都必须在食堂里吃早饭。


you must do your homework.你必须做你的家庭作业。you must +动词原形。

you must not be late for school.你不允许(不能)迟到。

do not shout at or push anyone.不要对别人喊叫或者推挤别人。do not=don’t 不要。

unit6this is a hospital. doctors and nurses work here.这是一家医院,医生和**在这里工作。

this is 这是。

is this a shopping centre? 这是一家购物中心吗?

yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.是的,它是/ 不,它不是。

there were no buildings or streets after the earthquake.**后没有了建筑物(房屋)和街道。


unit7everyone has something to do.每个人都有一些事情要做。

they are workers. they go to work.他们是工人,他们去工作。

look at the cleaner. he cleans our streets.看那个清洁工,他打扫我们的街道。

unit8what will you do there? 在那里你将要做什么?

i will study the moon and see the stars.我要研究月球和看星星。

i want to fly to the outer space.我想飞向外太空。want to想。

this is a science lab. the astronauts will do science here.


unit9what do you want to ride?你想骑(乘)什么呢?

i want to ride in the teacups. they’re cute.我想坐/骑/乘旋转茶杯,它们是可爱的/精致的。

cute 漂亮的; 娇小可爱的; 机灵的,精明的。

what’s your f**ourite theme park?你最喜欢的主题公园是什么?

i like water theme parks.我喜欢水上主题公园。water theme parks 水上主题公园。


there is a famous mountain in hunan.在湖南有一座著名的山。

there is +单数名词或不可数名词 there are +复数名词。

you must go to dongting lake.你必须去洞庭湖。

you can try some fried tofu.你可以尝试(尝尝)一些油炸豆腐。


1 what does your new classmate look like?你的新同学长什么样?her hair is blond and curly.她是金黄色的卷发。2 tell me about your classmates.介绍一下你的同学。3 what s he like?hdly...


unit1 what season is it?it s spring.现在是什么季节?现在是春季。its weather is warm and rainy.它的 天气温暖多雨。what about the weather in the south?南方的天气怎么样呢?in the south 在...


1问 who s your english teacher 你的英语老师是谁?答 mr zhang 张老师。2问 what s he like 他长得什么样 答 he s tall and short.他又高又痩。he s young 年轻 funny滑稽 tall高 young年轻kind亲切 o...