
发布 2021-04-27 16:18:28 阅读 3846


第一册句子: 10个。

s your name? i’m ….你叫什么名字?我叫….

2. he's/ she's ……他/她是…..

to ……指向….

is ….这是…..

s this/ that? it's a ….这/那是什么?这/那是….

s theit's in the ….在**?它在….里。

7. i don't know. 我不知道。

s your…. 给你的….。

old are you? i'm ….你多大了?我….岁了。

it a …?yes,it is./ no,it isn't. 这是….吗?是的。/不是。


s your f**ourite ……it's ….你最喜爱的…是什么?….

2. how does she go to school? 她怎样去上学? she goes to school by bike.她骑自行车去上学。

f**ourite toy is … 我最喜欢玩。

like…. 我喜欢….

i don't like ….我不喜欢….

he(she)likes… 他(她)喜欢…

he(she) doesn’t like…他(她)不喜欢…

you like…….yes, i do. /no, i don’t.你喜欢…吗?是的/不。

does he/she like ….yes, he/she does. /no, he /she doesn't. 他/她喜欢…吗?是的/不。

the time? =what time is it? it's ….现在几点了?…

do you do at the weekend? i ….你周末做什么?我…..

what does she do at the weekend? she … 她周末做什么?她周末做…

new year./ merry christmas! 新年快乐!/圣诞快乐!

has got… 她(lily)有… yes, she has. /no, she hasn’t. 是的,她有。/不,她没有。

h**e you got …?yes, i h**e. /no i h**en’t .你有…吗?是的,我有/不,我没有。

do you h**e at school? 学校里有什么课程? i h**e maths and chinese.


straight on.一直向前走。

turn left / right.向左/右转。

are you/they doing?你/他们在做什么?

i ’m/ they’re listening to music.我/他们在听**。

3. excuse me .请原谅,打扰了。

you ..yes,i can./ no,i can’t。你能…吗? 是的。/ 不。

is a bed, a table, a picture and three books in the room. 有一张床,一张桌子,一张**和三本书在这个房间里。

are twelve months in the year.一年有十二个月。

are you going to do ? i’m going to … 你打算做什么?我打算….


1. this girl is tall. 这个女孩很高。

2. this boy is taller than the girl. 这个男孩比女孩还高。

3. the man is the tallest of the three. 这个男人是三个人当中最高的。

4. will you ….on monday. yes, i will /no, i won't . 星期一你将…吗?是的/不。

5. did you ….yesterday?yes, i did. /no. i didn't. 昨天你…了吗?是的/ 没有。


1. when did you …?你什么时候…?\

4. what did you do at the weeked? 你在周末做什么了?

5. where did you go ? we went to ….你去哪儿了?我们去了…

6. how did you go? 你怎么去的?

2. how many ….do you want?six, please. 你想要多少… ?六个。

3. how much … do you want?half a kilo. 你想要多少…?半公斤。

7. it's mine / yours/ his/ hers / lingling's. .它是我的/你的/他的/她的/玲玲的。

8. he(she/ it ) wants to ….他(她/它)想。

9. you should (shouldn't)… 你应该(不应该)….

10. whose ….is this? it's ….这是谁的…?它是….的。

11. what's the matter with you ?

what’s wrong with you ?

what’s the trouble with you ?

what’s the problem with you?

what happened to you?



12. are you feeling sad/bored/angry? yes, i am /no, i 'm not.你感到难过/无聊/生气吗?是/不。


1.i'm going to ….我将….

2.life was very different in china many years ago.许多年前中国的生活大不相同。

3.everyone speaks english .大家都说英语。

4.why is she …?because she ….她为什么…. 因为她…

5.what did she h**e for breakfast (lunch/supper(dinner))?她早(午/ 晚)餐吃的什么?

she had … 她吃了…

6.are you ready for ….你准备好…了吗?

7.let's … 让我们…. don’t ….不要)别做…

8.what (how) about怎么样?

9.why don't you …?你为什么不…呢?

10.that's a good idea . 好主意。

11.i don't think so / i think so . 我不这么认为。/ 我认为是这样的。

12.is a the same as b ? a和b一样吗?

第七册句子:8 个。

1.tell me more about … 告诉我更多关于…

2.how long is it ? 它有多长?….

3.what a nice day it is! =how nice a day it is! 今天天气多好啊!

4.canada is on the north of america. 加拿大在美国的北面。

5.look at the library rules. it says, “don't talk in the library .”

看图书馆规则。 上面写着:“不要在图书馆里谈话。”

6.collecting stamps is my hobby . 集邮是我的爱好。

7.can you speak english ? yes, i can speak some english. 你会说英语吗?是的,我能说一些。

8.believe it or not ? 信还是不信?

第八册句子:6 个。

1.it's time to go to school.=it’s time for school. 到上学的时间了。

2. the sun is shining. 阳光明媚。 the birds are singing in the trees. 鸟儿在树上唱歌。

3.i miss everyone in china. 我想念中国的每一个人。

4.who can help me? i can help you. /sorry, i can't.


5.i'm really excited. 我真兴奋。

6.it's easy to很容易….


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