
发布 2021-04-27 15:45:28 阅读 7663






1.(上海中考)fred plans to work in the charity hospital in the community.(改为否定句)

fredto work in the charity hospital in the community.

2.(济南中考)she is good at playing the piano。(改为一般疑问句)

at playing the piano?

3.(上海中考)jim's office is four kilometers away from the nearest underground station.(对划线部分提问)

is jim's office from the underground station?

4.(上海中考)our journey to britain last summer was amazing.(改为感叹句)

our journey to britain last summer?



doesn’t plan,2.题2要改为一般疑问句,句子的时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,句中没有情态动词但是有be动词,因此在改为一般疑问句时只需要将be动词提到句子前面即可。由此可知答案为:

is she.

3.对画线部分提问的规则: 画什么就问什么。

通过仔细审题,可知本题画的是four kilometers,这是一个表示距离的短语,由此可知疑问词是how far,4.通过仔细审题可知本题所要感叹的是amazing,那么感叹句的引导词应该是how,由此可知答案为:how amazing,题型2同义句转换。

1.(上海中考)though the earthquake destroyed many houses, people didn't lose hope.(改为被动语态)

though many housesby the earthquake, people didn’t lose hope.

2.(上海中考)"who is responsible for the food safety problem?" asked the reporter.(改为宾语从句)

the reporter askedresponsible for the food safety problem.

3.(安顺中考)the man is talking with my headmaster. he comes from holland.(改为定语从句)

the manis talking with my headmaster __from holland.

4.(上海中考)this year’s car exhibition was very special. it attracted many visitors.(合并为一句)

this year’s car exhibition wasspecialit attracted many visitors.

5.(上海中考)with the help of a local guide, they reached the mountain top in the end.(保持句意基本不变)

with the help of a local guide, they reached the mountain top

解压技巧】1.本题主语已经给出,句子的时态是一般过去时,变为被动语态时谓语动词就要变为was/were done ,由此可知答案为:were destroyed。



who/that ;comes.

4.本题是要用结果状语从句将两个简单句连接起来,由此可知答案为: so;that。

5.本题的两个句子可知两个句子的差异仅体现在 in the end这个短语上,其中文意思是:最后,终于。由此可知答案为: at last,方法点拨】如何做句型转换题:

1 细审原题,弄清要求。解题时首先应很好地审阅原题,对原题中的时态、主语、形式等认真加以解析,做到心中有数,明确解题要求。



教学资料参考范本。撰写人。时间。句型转换是句子类别的转换,在中考中所占的分值一直挺大,而且有愈来愈高之势。这是因为该题的目的在于检侧学生运用各种句型的能力,要求学生对所学的句子结构和词形的变化做到概念清楚,运用准确,这对他们的英语综合运用能力有着较高的要求。题型特点 句型转换在中考中往往以两种形式进...


初中英语中考句型转换专题辅导。教学思路 练习 疏理。归类 分类练习 总结解题方法。part 1 热身练习 policeman made the young woman move her car.改为被动语态 the young womanher car by the policeman.2.john...


一 由肯定句变为一般疑问句 由肯定句变为一般疑问句的规则是把助动词置于句子的主语之前而把句子变为疑问语序。解题时应把握以下几点 1 句子的谓语动词如果是be动词,则把be动词直接提到主语之前。注 在肯定句和一般疑问句中主语的。一 二人称要互换。eg.1 we are in class 1,grade...