
发布 2021-04-18 21:57:28 阅读 9782

unit 01 creative potential

美[, v. 使落入险境;使陷入困境

eg. they were trapped in the burning building. 他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。

eg. we became trapped by the rising floodwater. 我们被**的洪水困住了。

n. (难以逃脱的)困境,窘境。

eg. the unemployment trap 失业的困境。

eg. the government has found it's caught in atrapof its own ******. **发现自己作茧自缚。

美[, v. 编纂, 汇编;编制。

eg. it takes years of hard work tocompilea good dictionary. 编辑一部好词典需要数年的艰苦工作。

eg. councils were required tocompilea register of all adults living in their areas.


eg. there theycompileprecious documents on the manners, government, religion, fauna and flora of the country.

他们在这里搜集了不少关于风俗 、 ** 、 宗教 、 当地动植物等方面的宝贵资料。

eg. in order tocompilethe military history, he has read many materials.


美[, relentless a. 坚韧的;不屈不挠的。

eg. he was the most relentless enemy i h**e ever known. 他是我所遇到的最不屈不挠的敌手。

relentlessly ad. 不懈地;不屈不挠地;

eg. she always questioned merelentlessly. 她总是没完没了地问我问题。

eg. he pursued herrelentlessly. 他锲而不舍地追求她。

美[, vt. 操纵,处理(事件或局势);操作; 使用; 使脱臼复位;用推拿术**。

eg. scientists would soon be able tomanipulatehuman genes to control the ageing process.


eg. a clever politician know how tomanipulatepublic opinion. 聪明的政客知道如何操纵公众**。

eg. the technology uses a pen tomanipulatea computer. 这项技术使用一支笔来操作电脑。

eg. the way he canmanipulatemy leg has helped my arthritis so much.


美[, a. (时机)恰当的,适时的; 恰当的。

eg. the offer could not h**e come at a moreopportunemoment. 那个建议提得正是时候。

eg. i believe that i h**e arrived at a veryopportunemoment. 我想我到得正是时候。

美[, adj.有刺激性的; n.刺激物。

eg.[,material/chemical. 刺激性的物质/化学品。

eg.irritantto nose and throat. **oid breathing dust and fumes. 刺激鼻喉, 避免吸入尘雾体。

eg.irritantto skin. harmful if swallowed. 刺激**。 吞食有害。

eg.[,dermatitis 刺激性皮炎。

美[, v. 不予考虑;摒弃;摒除(思想、感情等); 解雇;

eg. i think we can safely dismiss their objections.


eg. idismissed him from my mind我不再想他了。

eg. 'it's been a lovely day,' she said,dismissing the episode.


eg. in consequence of your bad work i am forced todismissyou.



eg. these delicate plants need careful nurturing. 这些幼嫩的植物需要精心培育。

eg. the human organism learns partly by nature, partly bynurture.


eg. the government makes great efforts tonurtureand develop the culture and art of ethnic minorities.


n. 养育;培养。

eg. the tree grows well in hisnurture. 在他的培育下这棵树长得很好。


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