
发布 2021-04-18 17:12:28 阅读 9323


一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。

)1. a. grandma b. grandpa c. ice-cream

)2. a. water b. hot dog c. hamburger

)3. a. dadb. teacher c. mom

)4. a. boyb. girlc. student

)5. a. appleb. elephant c. squirrel


( )1.— is that man? b:he is my grandfather.

a. what b. who

2. let’s tva. watch b. see

3. my mother is from china. b:she uses

a. fork b. chopsticks

4.—who’s thatb:she’s my grandmother.

a. (5 — what a big fisha. wow! b. oh,no!

)6. a: who’s thatb: she’s my mother.

a. man b. woman c. girl d. boy

( )7. a: who’s that man? bis my father.

a. he b. she c. he d. she

) 8. a: who’s that woman? bmy mother.

a. she’s b. she’s c. he’s d. he’s

( )9. thismy friend, ann. she __from america.

a. is… am b. is …is c. is … am d. is …is

)10. a: who’ thisb: he’s my brother

a. boy b. girl

) 11. a: who’ this girl? bmy sister. a. he’s b. she’s

)12. a: let’s watch tv. ba. great b. welcome


)1. what's your namea. sure. here you are.

)2. where are you fromb. great!

)3. who's that manc. my name is tutu.

)4. may i h**e a lookd. i'm from china.

)5. let's watch tve. he's my grandpa.

四、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(7分)

) 1. is she your sistera. hello, john.

) 2. who’s that boyb. nice to meet you, too.

) 3. let’s watch tvc. no, she is my friend.

) 4. hello, amyd. she’s my grandma.

) 5. nice to meet youe. he’s my brother.

) 6. who’s that womanf. thank you.

) 7. h**e some teag. ok.


)1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问。

a. who’s that manb. who’s that boy? c. who’s she?

)2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说。

a. this is my friend, mike. b. what’s your name? c. he is mike.

)3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说。

a. good morning, miss white. b. good afternoon, miss white.

c. good evening, miss white.

)4. 今天是3月8日,你对妈妈说。

a. happy new year, mum. b. happy women’s day, mum

c. happy teachers’ day, mum.

)5. 请别人稍等片刻,应该说。

a. wait a moment, please. b. h**e a seat, please.


a、 come in. b、 i’m sorry. c 、it’s ok.


a、how old are you? b、 i’m sorry. c 、nice to meet you.


a、my name’s chen jie. b、 i’m from america.

c 、this is my friend,amy.


a、welcome. b、what’s you name? c、goodbye.


a、where are you from?. b、how are you?. c、nice to meet you.


a、good afternoon. b、come in. c、wacth out!


a、i’m from china. b、i’m from america c、i’m from canada.


look at this photo(**).this woman is my is man is my is girl is my is 11. the little boy is me.

i am love they love me very much.

( )woman is my mother.

( )mother is 37.

( )father is 36

( )am six.

( )are four people in my family.


第二单元 单词 a violin 一架小提琴 a flute 一支长笛 a drum 一面鼓 an erhu 一个二胡 sing a song 唱歌 read a poem 读诗 make a speech 做演讲 watch the show 看表演 write a speech 写演讲稿 pla...


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