
发布 2021-04-18 17:11:28 阅读 9210


单词:a violin(一架小提琴) a flute(一支长笛) a drum(一面鼓) an erhu(一个二胡) sing a song (唱歌)read a poem(读诗) make a speech(做演讲) watch the show(看表演) write a speech(写演讲稿) play the violin(拉小提琴) play the flute(吹长笛) play the drum(敲鼓) play the erhu(拉二胡) a guitar(一把吉他) a piano(一架钢琴) play the guitar(弹吉他) play the piano(弹钢琴) excited(激动的) blue(蓝色) plant(种植)class(教室) glad(高兴的) flower(花) keys(键盘) strings(琴弦)quiz(测验)

句型:what are you doing? i’m writing a speech.

(你正在做什么?我正在写演讲稿 )what’s it for ?(为了什么?

) what’s this? it’s an erhu .it’s a chinese instrument.

(这是什么?它是二胡。它是一个中国乐器) can i try it?

(我能试一下吗?) go ahead(你先).do you play an instrument?

yes, i play the erhu.(你玩乐器吗?是的,我拉二胡)put on your glasses.

(带上你的眼镜) it’s time to practice.(到时间做练习了。) now i know the answers.

(现在我知道答案了)it’s hurt her chin.(它伤了她的下巴)

重点句型:what are you going to do for the school show? i ‘m going to __你打算做什么?我打算)

what is he/she going to do ? he/she is going to他/她打算做什么?他/她打算)

what are they going to do? they are going to他们打算做什么?他们打算)


1, 在一般将来时中陈述句变一般疑问句,我们可以看到它有be动词,于是它的变法就是将be动词(am,is,are)调到句子开头并大写首字母,句末打问号就可以了。

eg: i am going to play the flute.--are you going to play the flute?

he/she is going to play the erhu.--is he /she going to play the erhu?

they are going to sing a song.--are they going to sing a song?

2, 在一般将来时中陈述句变否定句,我们同样在be动词(am,is,are的后面加上not就可以了。

eg: i am going to play the flute.--i am not going to play the flute.

he/she is going to play the erhu.--he/she is not going to play the erhu.

they are going to sing a song.--they are not going to sing a song.

3,在一般将来时中,如过涉及到对划线提问,我们则要考虑到主语,一般的句型结构为:what +be动词+主语+going to do?


2013年pep三年级下第二单元习题教材同步辅导。一 找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在 内。1.a.grandma b.grandpa c.ice cream 2.a.water b.hot dog c.hamburger 3.a.dadb.teacher c.mom 4.a.boyb.gi...


一。四会 能听 说 读 写 单词和短语。library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 cinema 电影院 bookstore 书店 where 在 到 please 请 next to 与 相邻 turn 转弯 right 右边 left 左边 straight 成...


第二单元。text a 运动系统。运动系统的构成。运动系统包括骨骼系统和肌肉系统。骨骼系统由骨骼和骨关节之间构成各种连接的各种组织组成。的骨骼系统一般有206块骨和200多个关节,约占人体总重量的12 到15 肌肉组织有三种 骨骼肌 内脏肌 平滑肌 和心脏肌肉 心肌 但肌肉系统仅指的骨骼肌。内脏和心...