
发布 2021-04-17 13:16:28 阅读 2091

模块三 unit1 the world of our senses





c]感官 five senses a / the sense of smell

c]……的感觉/ 能力 the sense of humor / direction / success

u]辨别力 common sense常识 a man of good sense通情达理的人。

1. sense ④[u]意义、价值 there is no sense in doing sth

表示"神智"时,常用one's senses

bring sb. to one's senses 使某人醒过来。

come to one's senses醒过来

out of / lose one's senses 失去神智。

in a sense

make sense有意义、讲得通。

be sensitive to

in its broad sense

2. sight

u] 看;看见;视力;视野。

c]情景;景象; [pl.]名胜。

at first sight乍看一下、初看起来。

at (the) sight of一看见。

in sight / out of sight

catch sight of / lose one's sight


3. defeat:与beat同义,其宾语也必须是人或一个集体。尤指在战场上打败敌人。






i saw jacksonby jack yesterday.

he is still alive---i can feel his heart

toa match on the wall 在墙上划火柴。

4. still 表示绝对静止或安静,只能用于物理上的安静,强调"静止",不能指心理状态。

quiet 强调外在的安静现象,指没有吵闹或骚乱的静寂状态。用于自然环境时:指没有活动、喧闹的寂静状态;用于人时:指生性安静,不易激动。

silent 侧重"不说话",强调不发表意见。"不弄出声响",但不一定没有活动。

calm 既可以表示外在的平静现象,也可指内在的平静状态,既可以修饰人,表示人"镇静自若";也可以修饰物,多用来指天气,海洋等"平静无风"。

add … to…把……加到……上。

5. add add to 增加,增强。

add up to总计达……,总计。

add up 加起来。

in addition

in addition to

the most of

make full use of 充分利用……

make the best of

7. method 比较:method / way / means

method:指系统的、符合一定理论的方法。"用这种方法"可译为"with/through this method"。

way:普通用语,指做事情的方法,也可泛指思想方法、生活方式等。"用这种方法"可译为"in this way"。

means:作"方式、方法、手段"时,单复数同形。"用这种方法"可译为"by this means"。

with this method = in this way= by this means

v. whisper sth. to sb.

8. whisper whisper sth. in one's ear 附耳……对某人说。

it is ~ed that-clause 传闻说……

n. in whispers = in a whisper 低声地。

9. likely adj.

a most likely result 最有可能的结果。

a likely place for camping 正适合露营的地方 = a likely place to camp

be likely to do sth. 可能会干某事。

例:it is likely to rain tonight. (可用possible或probable替代)

he is likely to win不可用possible或probable替代)

it is likely that-clause

例:it is likely that he will be late (可用possible或probable替代)

he is likely to be late. (不可用possible或probable替代)

very / most/ quite likely 很可能。

10. chance

h**e a chance of doing sth. /to do sth.

there is no chance that –clause

the chance is that- clause ; chances are that- clause . 很可能……。

it is likely that …

by chance 偶尔,碰巧。


1. people h**e five ssight, hearing , taste, smell and touch.

2. he fell in love with her at first s

3. she carefully oevery detail of their actions in their performance.

4. many people hurriedly d___the city before the war broke out.

5. i don’t believe you. i don’t think you are telling me the whole t___about what happened.

6. i don’t know whether there is anything interesting in today’s news*****. i only had time to g___at it.

7. this animal is only found in australia, and n___else.

8. the boy was f___with fear at the sight of the big dog.

9. the teacher wants the children to feel c___about asking questions when they don’t understand.

10. he bought a piece of j___for his fiancée-a necklace with a blue diamond in the center.


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