
发布 2021-04-17 11:28:28 阅读 4872













范文:my best friend

jay is my best friend. he is 15 years old. he is a lovely boy with a round face and two big small eyes.

he always has a smile on his face. he is a little taller than i.

every morning, we go school together. he studies quite well and he's a top student in our class. he is modest in his beh**ior.

when i h**e difficulty in english, i always ask him for help. we are both interested in music. at weekends, we join same hobby group and play the pianotogether.

we like each other very much.



she often says to me, "work while you work; play while you play. if you do not work, you will be lazy and of no use to the society." what a piece of good advice this is!

i must value it and always keep it in my mind.



例:1. we like each other very much. /i love my teacher very much.

2. he is the hero in my mind

3. she is such a naughty and clever girl.

4. what a good teacher she is!

5. with her help, i made great progress.

6. she teaches us so well that we all enjoy her classes.

7. we still keep in touch with each other, and i believe our friendship will last forever.

8. i feel lucky to h**e such a nice friend.

9. she/he has left a good impression in my mind.

10. we h**e made up our minds to study harder, and win still greater success in our studies.

经典句型:?of all my friends/teachers, i love/like __most.

?he/she taught me/us math/english when i was in primary school/ junior middle school.

?with his/her help/encouragement, i made great/rapid progress at __and caught up with others).

?he/she is able to make her class lively.

?she is a english teacher. she comes from canada. →she is a english teacher from canada.

?he is a lovely boy. he has a round face.

he has a pair of big eyes.→ he is a lovely boy with a friendly look/a round/long and narrow face and big eyes. →he/she is a handsome/pretty/beautiful/nice boy/girl/teacher with round face/dark/short/long hair/big eyes/high nose bridge (with a son/two daughters/ shanghai dialect)

?he is energetic. you can often see him on the playground, either playing basketball or volleyball.

?be born in …

?has been to … has gone to…

?work very hard without complaint

?she is kind and always smiles, and she gets on well with us.

?i met sb. on the internet.

we often chat on the internet. i usually play games with him on the internet.

?she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students.

?sb. is hard-working/diligent/industrious.

sb. often works/studies late into the night. sb.

gets up early and sleeps very late every day.

?a girl of beauty; a boy of perseverance; a friend of devotion; a boy of fifteen.

?sb. looks beautiful/younger

常用词汇。tall and thin; short and stout; wear long and short (black/white/golden/fair/grey/hair)hair; good-looking; ordinary-looking; kind; friendly; kind-hearted; tired; nice; naughty; clever; smart; careful/careless; gentle; graceful; wrinkle; enter(school); be fond of(doing); be good at; be ready to (help…);be born in; get/win the prize in … competition; (my hobby) include…(in spare time); my friend) pay visit to (my school); physical exercise; now and then; in one's mind


经典模板: 经典模板:

第一部分物品的外表特征、形状、功能。 第一部分先按空间顺序进行描写。

第二部分对物品的印象和态度。 第二部分抒发自己对景色的感受。

范文:my bedroom

i h**e a bedroom. it is in the middle of my house.

opening the door, you can see a big bed. it is brown. there is a toy bear on it.

i call it "benben". it's lovely. i sleep with it every night.

on the wall, there are two nights. they look like mushrooms. they are very beautiful.

on the left and rights sides of the bed there are two small desks. a photo of me, some books and english tapes are on them.

my bedroom is neither big nor small. it is very bright. i clean it every day.

so it is always clean and tidy.

this is my bedroom. it is a small world of me.


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