
发布 2021-04-17 06:38:28 阅读 7051

unit 17 科普知识与现代技术(满分:100)


1. we h**e a new computerized (系统) in the library.

2. load the (程序) into the computer.

3. he is experienced in (操作) the computers.

4. there’s much new educational (软件) **ailable now.

5. this kind of (病毒) can make a working computer break down immediately.

6. we lost the data when the computer (崩溃).

7. you can play the games that can be (**) free from the internet.

8. pleaseyour password.

9. china has made great progress in the field of the information (技术).

10. i wish to (探索) the space in future.

11. what skills are needed to (操作) this machinery?

12. mercury (水星) is the smallest of all the (行星) in the solar system.

13. it is a(n) (先进的) device for separating metal from garbage.

14. the specially designed hardware has many interesting (功能).

15. my camera is fully (自动的).


launch, insert, equipment, gr**ity, data, portable, technical, advance

1. it’s possible to store a lot more on a ***.

2. everything on the earth has the force of .

3. double-click on an icon (图标) to an application.

4. we’ll offer them some brand new computer

5. your comments in the space below.

6. this computer magazine is too for me.

7. the steam engine was the greatest advance of the 19th century.

8. a computer program can be used on different computer systems.


break down, log in / on, carry out, make a breakthrough, contribute (…to

1. he many experiments to prove the theory.

2. the research has a great deal our knowledge of space.

3. you need to key in your password to .

4. scientists are hoping to in the exploration of the universe.

5. bacteria are added to help the sewage (下水道的污水).

unit 18 互联网(满分:100)

一、判断下列单词或词组的意思是 (y) 否 (n) 相同。(每小题2分,共12分)


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