
发布 2021-04-17 06:21:28 阅读 8532





issue 指正规的事(important thing)

具体化:change? story? news?

phenomenon --occurrence (事件,中性)



advantages --strengths


very---much too

suddenly---unexpectedly; abruptly

attractive --inviting/tempting/irresistible

ofamong of the four heroes

importantmatter it matters (much) to sb/what matters much is that...

it is important for sb. to do sthwhat counts for sb. is that 重要的是。

good at --specialized in /skilled in /expert in

be good for/beneficial forbe f**orable for

the business ofthe task of ..的任务。

all kinds of /sorts of sthof all kinds

not necessarily 不一定,表达语气的委婉。

can, could, shall, must, might 等情态动词tend to; be more likely to

increasing(ly) /increasing number ofmore and more

usuallymore often than not

as a resultit turned out that/to be

sth. is a rare/common occurrence 、、是一个偶然/必然的现象。

h**e the advantage of --enjoy advantage over 优于、、、

h**e the disadvantage of --suffer disadvantage 劣于、、、

duringin the course of 在。的过程中。

try one's bestmake great (an/much) effort /exertion to do sth.

be responsible to do --be committed to doing sth. 有责任或者义务做某事。

be eager to /very want to --be desperate to do sth. 极度渴望做某事。

couldn’t wait to do sth

be the only one to sb --be peculiar to sb. 对某人而言。。。是独一无二的。

on surface --seemingly

be enough / be many --be more than adequate 绰绰有余。

be replaced by --give way to

it’s difficult for sb to do sth---sb be stuck for doing sth

sth make one think --sth/sb keep one thought on

poor area---under-developed pockets of the country

in order to do sth---so as to do sth

be interested in---take to

adv.+adj.的用法:(定性副词加形容词)代替 very + adj.

seemingly different

basically important

physically healthy

environmentally beneficial

worldly famous

scientifically advanced

bring sb. to tears(写影评时)

bring sb. to attention(写社会热点):sth. bring the public to attention


because --from/for/with/out of/for the ******st reason that for the sake of 为了。


in addition




善用模糊词 partly form

h**e the expression ofwear an expression of ..的表情。

as it were, 也就是说。


for examplesaysay,..such as...


and...as well / as well as /a, b, and c as well


句型替换:在when, if 从句中,如果主句和从句的主语一致,且有be动词,则把从句主语省略,同时谓语表位ing形式。


eg: she had a son who was handicapped and needed her care. so she often had to ask for le**e because of him.

but gradually she encouraged him to learn a useful trade.

换后的句子:with a son who was handicapped and needed her care, she often had to ask for…


i see sth --sth. come into my view

i couldn’t sleep --sleep had gone

i want to say --sth. spring to my lips /

i think of sth --sth. surge into my mind

we begin to know --sth. put sb. in touch with

sth. be exposed to sb.

sb. get access to doing sth.

i agree with sb.--i agree with sb, saying that… (不要只会表达观点,学会细化)

sb don’t know --sb. has the faintest idea 丝毫不知道。

sth become worse and worse --sth snowball into the trouble

其它句型:it is something more than a 后跟对事件定性的名词:failure, success, change, reform…

it is not surprisingly to say… 。并不惊讶(肯定某个观点)

it means that...it refers to...it is described that...it is characterized by...

the hour /month /moment /year...引导时间状语从句。


there are three factors accounting for my perspective.

sth. give sb. a thought-provoking question. 某事提出了一个引人深思的问题。

责任/负担/任务等落在某人身上:…rest on sb.

the responsibility for the education of children rests on the parents as well as schools.


seek to do sth. 致力于/力图于…


人物外表。build: stocky壮 slim纤细 skinny瘦骨嶙峋 plump well-built结实。

of **erage build thin瘦削。

face:round oval鹅蛋脸 square with wrinkles带皱纹。

complexion肤色:fair白 dark rosy cheeks白里透红 pale sun-tanned小麦色。

facial feature:high cheek-bond flat/pointed nose high /narrow forehead bushy eyebrows

hair: ponytail马尾 fringe刘海 side-parting偏分。


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