学知识:gain/acquire knowlege
耗时间:idle away sb's time
改善孩子的身体/心理健康: improve/enhance children's physical/psychological health
破坏孩子的身体/心理健康: hurt/damage children's physical/psychological well-being
把精力集中在……上面:focus on/ concentrate on sth.
分散学生的注意力:distract students from sth.
锻炼学生们的意志力:strengthen students' willpower
让孩子们变得软弱:weaken children's willpower
减轻学习压力:ease/relieve academic pressure
加重学习压力:intensify academic pressure
激发学习者对于……的兴趣:stimulate learner's interest in sth.
削弱学生对于……的兴趣:sap/dampen students' interest in sth.
理论结合实践:integrate theory with practice
理论与实践相脱节:disconnect theory from practice
培养创造力:foster/cultivate creativity
扼杀创造力:stifle/extinguish/restrict/constrain creativity
提高学习者的效率:boost/enhance learners' efficiency
降低他们的效率:lower their efficiency
给学生以动力去做某事:motivate the students to do sth./give the sudents motivation to do sth.
让学生产生挫败感:frustrate the studentsdampen/sap the students’ enthusiasm
重新点燃学生们对于……的热情:rekindle/reawaken students' enthusiasm for sth.
让学生疲惫不堪:exhaust students' energy
适应:adapt to sth./adjust oneselt to sth./become accustomed to sth.
获得技能:acquire skills
促进学生身心发展:promote the students’ physical, mental and emotional development
promote the students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development
心理健康:psychological soundness
psychological welfare psychological well-being
上学:attend school
others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.
男女合校:mixed school
只有男生或女生的学校:single-sex school
talent gift
能力(后天):skill technique
青少年:adolescent youngster
传授知识:impart knowledegeinculcate knowledege
灌输高尚的道德观念:instill high moral values
in order to be a good member of any society, the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values.
价值观:outlook values
给学生以灵感:give the students inspiration
教学法:teaching methodologypedagogical methodology
学生对老师所教知识的掌握:students’ grasp of what has been taught
students’ command of what has been taught
就业技能:employable skills marketable skills
填鸭式教法教学生:`force-feed the students
students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas.
死记硬背:learn by rote
为了记忆而记忆:memorize for memorization’s own sake
责任感:a sense of obligation
a sense of responsibilitya sense of duty
记忆方程式、公式、定理和定律:memorize equations, formulae, theorems and laws
盲从:follow sth. blindly
follow sth. indiscriminately
产生不必要的压力:beget undue pressure create undue pressue
塑造某人的性格:mold one’s character
把学生分开教育:segregate students
增加人们的选择:multiply people's choices
限制人们的选择:restrict people's choices
解放工人:liberate workers
奴役雇员:ensl**e emploees
提高效率:boost/enhance efficiency
提高生产率:boost/enhance productivity
干扰员工的工作:distract employees from their work
从事科学研究:carry out/conduct scientific research
中止科学研究:stop/suspend/discontinue scientific
为生活节奏减速:slow down the pace of life
加快生活节奏:speed up/accelerate/quiken the pace of life
促进沟通:promote communication
阻碍沟通:hinder communication
加大贫富差距:widen/expand the gap between the rich and the poor
减小贫富差距:narrow/bridge the gap between the wealthy and the needy
减少成本:reduce the cost
增加成本:raise/lift the cost
改善人际关系:improve interpersonal relationship
导致人与人之间关系疏远:alienate individuals
让我们的生活更方便:make our lives more convenient
让我们的生活更加复杂:complicate our lives
**某种疾病:cure a disease
导致疾病:cause illnesses
展现事实真相:present truths
扭曲事实:distort truths
吸引观众:appeal to the audience
激怒观众:offend the audience
启发人们的头脑:enlighten people's minds
腐蚀孩子们的思想:corrupt children's minds
传播思想:spread/disseminate ideas
控制思想:control thoughts
提高某人的公众形象:enhance one's public image
毁坏某人的声誉:ruin/tarnish one's reputation
开阔某人的眼界:expand one's vision
限制某人的眼界:limit/restrict one's vision
看电视等活动)增进家庭亲情:(watching tv) reinforces family bonds
与亲人变得疏远:get estranged from one's family members
扩大产品市场:enlarge the market for products
减少对……的消费:reduce the consumption of……
帮孩子们找到榜样:provide children with role models
导致青少年变得更暴力:make youngsters more aggressive
给观众信息:inform the audience
误导观众:mislead the audience
揭露真相:uncover the truth
隐瞒真相:conceal the truth
减小贫富差距:bridge/narrow the gap between the wealthy and the needy
扩大贫富差距:widen/expand the gap between the rich and the poor
解决某个问题:resolve/address a problem
忽视某个问题:ignore/overlook the problem
提高公民对……的意识:raise/heighten citizen's awareness of sth.
导致公民对于……十分麻木:render citizens indifferent to sth.
改善基础设施:improve the infrastructure
破坏基础设施:undermine the infrastructure
给**自由:free the media
审查**:****** the media
产生税收:generate tax revenue
减少税收:reduce tax revenue
刺激经济发展:spur/stimulate economic development
阻碍经济发展:hinder/impede economic development
为……拨款:allocate money to sth./sb.
减少……的资金:reduce the fundings for sth./sb.
提高人们的生活水平:lift/elevate people's standard of living
降低公民的生活水平:lower citizen's standard of living
遏制**的扩散:curb the proliferation of weapons
导致**的扩散:cause the proliferation of weapons
许可某事:approve sth.
禁止某事:ban/prohibit sth.
一 写事。1 审清题目,要求写多少件事 一般是一件 写什么事。2 要是半命题的题目,首先把题目补充完整,如 一件的事。3 交代清楚事情的六要素。时间 地点 人物 事情的起因 经过 结果 4 按事情发展的顺序或时间顺序把事情的经过写具体。5 文章要抒发人物的思想感情,可在结尾写上通过这件事,自己得到的...
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