
发布 2021-04-12 19:38:28 阅读 5657



1. 根据;按照according to

2. 可调整的(adj.)adjustable

3. 毕竟;终究after all

4. 侵犯的;挑衅的(adj.)aggressive

5. 瞄准;针对;旨在aim at

6. 向某人宣布某事announce sth. to sb.

7. 和某人有个约定h**e an appointment with sb.

8. 感激某人做某事appreciate one’s doing sth.

9. 尽快地as soon as possible

10. 要求;请求ask for

11. 立即;马上at once

12. 目前;现在at present

13. 有时;偶尔at times

14. 试图或企图做某事attempt to do sth.

15. 权威机构;行政管理机构(n.)authority

16. 害怕去做;不敢做be afraid to do sth.

17. 对…感到气愤be angry with sb.

18. 对….有害be bad for

19. 意见一致in agreement with…

20. 非常害怕的;极度恐惧be terrified of

21. 用来做某事be used for

22. 乐意做某事be willing to do sth.

23. 习惯于做某事be/get used to doing sth.

24. 属于belong to

25. 停止运转;出故障break down

26. 突然中止;中断break off

27. 偶然地;意外地by accident

28. 错误地by mistake

29. 到…时候止by the time

30. 发起战役或运动n. launch a campaign

31. 挑战n. challenge

32. 把…打扫干净clean out

33. 把…收拾整齐clean up

34. 结合;组合v. combine

35. 出版;发表come out

36. 提出;想出(主意;回答)come up with

37. 奉献;忠诚 n. commitment

38. 称赞;恭维n. compliment

39. 全神贯注于;专心于concentrate on/upon

40. 得出结论draw a conclusion

41. 自信的;有把握的。

42. 考虑做某事consider doing sth.

43. 令人困惑的;含混不清的adj. confusing

44. 便利的;方便的adj. convenient

45. 令人信服的 adj. convincing

46. 重要;有价值v. count

47. 关键的;至关重要的adj. crucial

48. 处理;应付deal with

49. 不同地;有区别地adv. differently

50. 厌恶的;憎恶的adj. disgusted

51. 丢弃;抛弃v. discard

52. 向某人捐赠某物donate sth. to sb.

53. 把…分开;划分…divide…into…

54. 梦想做某事dream of/about doing sth.

55. 穿上盛装;打扮dress up

56. 顺便拜访drop by

57. 基础的;小学的adj. elementary

58. 尴尬的;为难的adj. embarrassed

59. 有绝种危险的adj. endangered

60. 有活力的;精力充沛的adj. energetic

61. 娱乐;乐趣n. entertainment

62. 一件设备a piece of equipment

63. 逃避做某事escape doing sth.

64. 建立;建造;设立v. establish

65. 即使;纵然even though

66. 及其疲惫的;精疲力竭的adj. exhausted

67. 及其;非常adv. extremely

68. 落入;陷入fall into

69. 迷人的;有极大吸引力的adj. fascinating

70. 例如;比如for instance

71. 令人失望的或沮丧的adj. frustrating

72. 与….相处get along with

73. 与某人结婚be/get married to…

74. 分发;发放give out

75. 放弃give up

76. (时间)过去;消逝go by

77. 发出响声go off

78. 特地(不怕麻烦)做…go out of one’s way to do sth.

79. 入睡go to sleep

80. 为…感到内疚或有罪feel guilty about/of

81. 上交;呈送hand in

82. 分发;发放hand out

83. 帮助某人解决困难help sb. out

84. 继续;坚持;保持hold on to…

85. 通常;大体上in general

86. 最后;终于in the end

87. 挡道的;妨碍人的in the way

88. 以这种方式in this way

89. 影响;对…起作用v. influence

90. 代替;而不是instead of

91. 与…相撞knock into

92. 知识渊博的;有见识的adj. knowledgeable

93. 嘲笑;取笑laugh at

94. 自学learn sth. by oneself

95. 使…沮丧或失望let…down

96. 盼望或期待做某事look forward to doing sth.

97. (在词典里)查阅look up

98. 犯错;出错make a mistake

99. 发出噪音;吵闹make (a) noise

100. 使人感到宾至如归make sb. feel at home

101. 编造;组成make up

102. 神秘的;不可思议的adj. mysterious

103. 一点也不;根本不not…in the slightest

104. 冒犯某人;得罪某人offend sb.

105. 展览;陈列on display

106. 准时on time

107. 养老院old people’s home

108. 有机会做某事h**e an opportunity to do sth.

109. 操作机器operate a machine

110. 有组织的;安排有序的adj. organized

111. 特殊的;独特的adj particular

112. 对…注意;留心pay attention to…

113. 允许;许可n. permission

114. 普及;流行n. popularity

115. 赞成与反对pros and cons

116. 给某人提供某物provide sb. with sth.

117. 为…感到自豪be proud of…

118. 推迟;延迟put off

119. 张贴;搭建put up

120. 相当多;不少quite a few

121. 感到放松或轻松feel relaxed

122. 提醒某人某事remind sb. of sth.

123. 向某人报告某事report sth. to sb.

124. 向某人揭露某事reveal sth. to sb.

125. 卖完;售光sell out

126. 激起;引起set off

127. 建立;创立;开办set up

128. 和某人握手shake hands with sb.

129. 标语;口号n. slogan

130. 解决问题solve a problem

131. 公众注意的中心n. spotlight

132. 与…保持距离 stay away from

133. 不睡觉;熬夜stay up

134. 与(父母等)相像take after

135. 从容;不紧张take it easy

136. 做笔记;做记录take notes

137. 对…感到自豪take pride in

138. 幸亏;由于thanks to

139. 想出think up

140. 老实说;说实在的to be honest

141. 令某人惊奇的to one’s surprise

142. 首先;开始to begin/start with

143. 在…有困难h**e trouble (in) doing sth. /with sth.

144. 尽力做某事try one’s best to do sth.

145. 关掉turn off

146. 不熟悉的;陌生的adj. unfamiliar

147. 用完;耗尽use up

148. 自愿做某事volunteer to do sth.

149. 心甘情愿做某事be willing to do sth.

产生结果;发展;成功work out


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