
发布 2021-04-11 20:50:28 阅读 4864


her cousin can draw __an artist.

a. as well as b. not so well as c. as better as d. as good as

分析此题考查学生同级比较和形容词与副词的用法。英语中as…as, not so (as)…as中间应用原级。同时此句修饰动词draw应用副词,所以c、d两答案不行。


例2] there was a traffic accident. kate saw it __on her way home and then told the policeman all about it.

a. happened b. happen c. happening d .was happening

分析此题考查学生词语的习惯用法。see sb. doing sth.

(看见某人正在做某事);see sb do sth. (看见某人做了某事)。see sth.


例 3] 1) english people use mr., mrs. or miss with their __names.

a. last b. middle c. given d. first

2) john henry brow can t be called___

a. mr. john b. mr. brown c. henry d. henry brown

分析此题考查学生对英国人名的了解。英语中的人名常称为first name, middle name, last name 合称为full name, 而first name, middle name 又称为 given name, last name 又称为family name。mr.

, mrs., miss只能与family name连用,故此两题答案都为a。

例4] 句型转换(改同义句)

1) a: if you don’t work hard, you won’t catch up with us.

byou won’t catch up with us.

2) a: jim and i were born in the same year.

b. jim __as old __i.

分析此题考查学生对句子的理解。1)小题的a句是一个条件复合句,可以改为“祈使句+and / or+一般将来时陈述句”这种句型,答案为work hard, or。2)小题意为“出生在同一年”也就是“一样大”,所以应填is和as。


例5] we were getting ready to go out __it began to rain.

a. where b. when c. since d. if

分析此题考查学生对复合句中的引导词的理解。where为疑问副词,表示“在哪儿”;since“自从……”if“假如,如果”;而when表示“什么时候”,也相当于at that time(就在那时)。所以从整个句子理解来看,应该填b答案。

例6] miss smith with her parents __china since __

a. h**e been in, two years ago b. has gone to, three years

c. h**e been to, two years d. has been in, three years ago


因为主语miss smith是单数,所以应从b、d中去选。再看时间短语是“since+时间点”,所以three years (时间段)不行。故此题答案为d。

值得注意的是h**e been to, h**e gone to, h**e been in 而三个谓语动词的含义是不同的。h**e been to 表示“曾去过某地”(但人已回);h**e gone to表示“已去某地”(人未回);h**e been in表示“已在某地呆”(多少时间)。

例7] ___you __your homework yet?”

yes. i __it a moment ago.”

a. did…do, finished b. h**e… done, h**e finished

c. h**e...done, finished b. will...do, finish


例8] 改写句子,使其意思不变。

they will get to london in four days.

they willlondon in four days.

分析此题考查学生对同义词的理解。英语中“到达”可以用get to, arrive in/ at, reach表示,所以此题应填arrive in。

例9] how long h**e you __there?

about four years.

a. come b. gone c. left d. worked

分析此题考查学生对现在完成时中谓语动词的延续性与非延续的理解和运用。这句问的是“多长时间”决定其谓语动词该用延续性动词,而come,go, le**e 都是非延续性动词,所以d才是对的。

例10] our teacher asked me tothe new words in a dictionary.

a. look for b. look up c. look at d. look into

分析此题考查学生对词语的理解。look for 是“寻找”,与此题句意无关;look up有“查找、向上看”之意,look at “看一看”look into “朝…里看”,与句意无关,故答案为b。

例11] i asked him___

a. which one did he like best b. which one he liked best

c. which one he likes best d. which one does he like best



例12] our geography(地理)teacher told us the earth __around the sun.

a. goes b. go c. went d. going


例13] 改为复合句。

do you wash your clothes yourself?” tom asked the girl next to him.

tom asked the girl next to himher clothes herself.

分析此题考查学生引导词的选用、人称代词的改变、时态呼应和陈述语序四个方面。首先tom的问话是一个一般疑问句,就用whether/ if词作引导(表示“是否”),tom问的对象是女孩,所以句中的you应改为she,而且由于主句asked是过去时,wash应加上ed,所以这三个空格应填whether/ if, she, washed。


h**e you received a letter from jim yet?

h**e youjim yet?

分析此题考查学生对词汇的理解。“收到……来信”可以用receive a letter from, get a letter from, hear from 表示,那么此题两空应用hear from。但同义句转换也要注意动词形式,原句是现在完成时,那改后的就应是heard from。

例15] 正误例析。


误:wang ming will go for a visit a factory tomorrow.

正:wang ming will visit a factory tomorrow.

正:wang ming will go for a visit to a factory tomorrow.



误:both of my pens are red.

正:two of my pens are red.

析:both of+名词(或代词)只表示两个人或物。two of+名词(或代词)则表示two只属于of结构后名词或代词中的一部分。


误:the workers wear glasses on their eyes.

正:the workers wear glasses over their eyes.



误:he does a little weak in chinese.

正:he is a little weak in chinese.

析:这个句子之所以出错,主要是因为受了do well in这一结构影响造成的。要知do well in结构中的well是一个副词,用来修饰do,而weak是形容词,不可修饰do,故应将do改为be,从而形成be weak这一系表结构。


一 概述。本章对投资的意义和分类 流动资产投资理 有价 投资管理和固定资产投资管理作了系统地阐述和案例解析,以固定资产投资管理最为关键。本章主要考点 1.流动资产的特点及管理要求。2.现金管理的目标 方法以及最佳现金余额的确定。3.应收账款管理的目标 信用政策的内容以及信用政策决策。4.投资与债券投...


注 黄色部分为需要掌握的六种时态,其他两种只需了解。一一般现在时。1 用法 1 表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。often helps to do housework at home.2 表示客观事实或普遍真理。earth goes around the sun.3 在时间,条件等状语从句中,...


1 在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾。eg,he said he was good at drawing.动词宾语 he asks him how long mike has been down 动词宾语 miss zhang is angry at wha...