中考必备 中考英语词语分析精讲

发布 2021-04-11 13:44:28 阅读 6370

1. loud/ loudly

这两个词都可作adv. ,意为响亮地,大声地但loudly多含有吵闹之意。


please speak louder.请大声点说。

who is knocking at the door so loudly?谁在那么使劲地敲门?

2. lift/ rise


(1) lift vt. 是指用人力或机械力量举起、升起某具体物件。

please lift your hands if you know the answer.如果你们知道答案,请举手。

(2)rise vi. 常用于表示某物本身由低处升到高处,其主语常是日、月、水、云、雾、物价、温度等。

the waters of the river has risen a lot after the he**y rain.


/ miss



he lost his parents when he was young.他小时候失去了父母。


i am afraid that jim will miss a lot of lessons.我担心吉姆将会缺很多课。


who has found my lost/missing pen?谁发现我丢失了的钢笔?

my money is lost/missing.我的钱丢了。

/ look like/ seem


seem暗示有一定的根据,这种判断往往接近事实。这时结构是look/ seem+形容词。

mr. smith looks/ seems young very much.史密斯先生看上去很年轻。


the girl looks like her sister.这女孩和她姐姐长得相像。

(3)seem后接to do 或用于句型it seems that或there seems to be句型中。如:

john seems to know much about china.约翰好象很了解中国。

it seems that they know each other.好象他们彼此很熟悉。

there seems to be something wrong with my watch.我的手表好象有些毛病。

for/ find/ find out

(1)look for 寻找,强调动作。

i am looking for my pen.我在找钢笔。

(2)find 找到,强调结果。

i looked for it everywhere but i couldnt find it.我到处找了可就是找不到它。

(3)find out 查明真相,弄清缘由,强调经过费时、周折、


at last the police found out who murdered the old woman.


/ see/ watch/ notice/read



please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。

(2)see 指人肉眼所能涉及的范围,表示结果看见。

can you see the word clearly?你能清楚看到这个字了吗?

固定短语:see a film; see sb. off ;let me see.

(3)watch= look at sb./ sth. carefully仔细**,注视。

may i watch tv now?我现在可以看电视吗?

固定短语:watch tv; on watch;watch a football match

the thief looked around the house.

when he made sure that no one was noticing him,he jumped into the room through the open window.



join join in take part in 这三个词组在汉语中都表示参加,但在英语使用中是有区别的 1 join通常指参加某种固定的组织 团队 军队等,强调成为其中一员。he joined the party in 1927.他1927年入党。2 join sb.in doing sth.和...


复习名词 一。选择填空。1.they said the eighteenth and last lesson quite easy.a.is b.was c.are d.were 2.when are you going to kumming for your holidays?i h en t d...


中考必备词组汇总。导语 中考对词组搭配及重点句的考察极为广泛 单选,完形填空,短文填词,看图写话,翻译句子均可考察,在作文中使用更是加分之处,要想更快提高分数,掌握词组尤为重要。1.a bit of 有一点儿 解析 a bit 形容词 a bit of 名词。2.a couple of 两个 几个。...