
发布 2021-04-10 19:27:28 阅读 9283

at, in , on, 和by 表示时间的区别:



they come home at surprise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).

2) 较短的一段时间。可指某个节日或认为一年中标志大事的日子。

his grandfather died at seventy-two.

at the beginning (middle, end) of that month he was sick.

he went home at christmas (at new year, at the spring festival, at night, at midsummer).



he died in the holidays.

he was born in 1942.

2) 在一段时间之后。

he will come round in a day or two.

i will finish it in three hours.



he will come to meet us on our arrival.

on may 4th (on sunday, on new year’s day, on christmas day), there will be a celebration.

2) 在某个特定的早晨,下午或晚上。

he arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th.

he died on the eve of victory.

3) 准时,按时。

if the rain should be on time, i should reach home before dark.

in 表示比较大的地方,2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用in.商店,机关,学校等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in.

i met him at the post-office.

i’m now working in the post-office.



he put the book on the table and sat on the chair.

the picture was hanging on the wall.

2) “在…… 旁边”

new work is on the hudson river.

xiamen is on the river.

he lives in a house on the river.

1). near, by, beside, at表示“在附近”的区别:

near 表示相对的“近”,实际距离可能还很远。例如:

there is a post office near our school.

suzhou is near shanghai.


例如:there is a big tree by the river.

he was sitting beside her.


they escaped death by inches.

do you see the hole high up in the wall, about 18 cm by 9?


谈谈介词 preposition 一 介词在英语用词里也属于难缠的一个项目。因为它涉及方面很广,而且变化多端,往 往令人捉摸不定,记起来很麻烦。因此就有有心人弄了一个 介词口诀 来帮助学习者 也有人写了 preposition song 令学习者一面唱歌一面轻松地记忆介词的用法。介词英文叫作prep...


介词。简单介词。at to in on for.合成介词。without ontointo 介词分类。短语介词。instead of in front of at the back of 复合介词。from behind 一 时间介词 in,on,at in在年月季节前。in 2011 in sum...


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