电话英语9 遭遇电话故障怎么办

发布 2021-04-10 13:02:28 阅读 5018


时间:2007-01-19 11:49

1.the connection was bad.


2.there was a lot of echo and i couldn't hear well.


3.i'll connect you agian.


4.i've just been disconnected from a number.


5.could you speak a little louder,please?


6.there's a bad connection.


7.and now there's no answer.


8.could you tell me if there's something wrong with myphone?


9.i doubt if it's your phone.


10.there may be a fault on the line.


11.i'll tell our engineers about it.


12.we've checked that line,there was mini fault out it.


13.the number's ringing for you now.it should be all right thistime.


14.may be the receiver is off the hook.


15.i can barely hear what you are saying.


17.we must h**e gotten our lines crossed.


18.why don't we hang up and try again?


19.hello.it's me again.


20.i think my phone is out of order.


21.but i keep getting a funny noise.


22.are the lines overloaded?


23.what kind of sound is it ******?


24.a continuous beeping sound.


25.and i can't get a proper dialing tone.


26.i'm calling from another line.


dialogue a

a:operator b:lin ping)

a:operator.how can i help you?

b:yes.the connection was bad.there was a lot of echo and icouldn't hear well,will you putme through again?

a:i'm awfully sorry for the trouble.i'll connect you again.

a few minutes later)

b:operator.i've just been disconnected from a number.couldyou…

a:i'm sorry,sir.could you speak a little louder,please?there'sa bad connection.

b:yes.i've just been disconnected from a number,and nowthere's no answer.could youtell me if there's somethingwrong with my phone?

a:what number were you speaking to,sir?


a:oh,2743-1120.i doubt if it's your phone.we've being a lot oftrouble in that area

todny.there may be a fault on line.

b:oh,i see.

a:i'll tell our engineers about it.please tell me your name andnumber,i'll call you back soon.

b:my name's lin ping and my number's 3512-6762.~

about ten minutes later)

a:(ringing)hello,is that 3512-6762?

b:yes,it is.

a:mr.lin.we've checked that line,there was a mini fault on it.

the number's ringing for you now.it should be all right thistime.

b:thank you very much.

dialogue b

a:tom b:sue)

a:hello,sue.it's tom.


a:i've been trying to get hold of you forever.

b:really?i've being stayed at home all day long.

a:but your line is always busy.

b:oh.may be the receiver is off the hook.

a:i see.i'm calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

b:what?i can barely hear what you are saying.

a:i'm calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

b:the connection is too bad.we must h**e gotten our linescrossed.

a:why don't we hang up and try again.

b:good idea.


a:hello,it's me,again.

b:oh,tom.you said a dinner,tonight?


b:i can't tonight,mother has a cold,i must stay at home andlook after her.but i'd love tosome other night.

a:oh,what's a pity!you'd better set up an appointment to seea doctor as soon as possible.

b:yes.thank you.

a:i'll call you back later,bye-bye.


dialogue c

a:operator b:li ming)

a:hello.how can i help you?

b:hello.look,i think my phone is out of order.

a:what seems to be the problem?

b:i've been trying to get through to a number for the past fifteenminutes,but i keep getting afunny noise.

a:are you sure it's the right number,sir?

b:yes,i've checked in the telephone book.are the lines over-loaded?

a:what kind of sound is it ******?

b:a continuous beeping sound.and i can't get a proper dialingtone.i'm calling from anotherline.

a:you may h**e a fault on your line.i'll report it to the engi-neers.

b:thank you very much for your help.

a:don't mention it.bye-bye.


words and expressions

connection n.连接;联系;关系。

echo n.回首;回声;反响。

awfully ad.异常,非常。

doubt n.怀疑,疑问,疑惑。

fault n.缺点,毛病。

engineer vt.设计;建造。


check n.支票;账单;核对。

mini a.微小的。

forever ad.永远,总是。

hook n.钩,钩状物。

barely ad.勉强,几乎没有。

cross n.交叉。

look after照顾。

pity v./n.怜悯,惋惜。


appointment n.约会;任命;选派。

as soonas一……就。

funny a.滑稽的,可笑的。

overload v.超负荷。

continuous a.连续的,继续的。

mention vt.说到,谈到。


电话故障 电话英语

146 the connection was bad 通话情况很糟。147 there was a lot of echo and i couldn t hear well 回音太多,我听不清楚。148 i ll connect you agian 我再为您接通一次。149 i ve just be...

电话英语7 打错电话怎么处理

英语7 打错 怎么处理?时间 2007 01 19 11 49 1 i beg you pardon?miss who?对不起,你说谁?2 i m sorry,but i don t know that name 对不起,我不认识这个人。3 you must h e the wrong number...

