
发布 2021-04-09 18:49:28 阅读 2545

at the hotel (i) 在旅馆。

a: can i h**e a single room for tonight please? a. 我想租一个单人房今晚住,请问有没有?

b. sorry, sir. all our rooms are fully occupied. b. 对不起,先生,我们全部房间都住满了。

a. is there another hotel around here? a. 附近还有别的旅馆吗?

b. yes, just a few blocks away. b. 有的, 过几个马路口就有。

a. could you find out for me whether it has any a. 你可以帮我问问他们是不是有空房间吗?

vacant rooms?

b. yes. i'll call themb. 好,我给他们打**。

well, you are lucky. i've got a room for you. 好啦,你很幸运,我给你找到个房间。

a. could you tell me where the hotel is? a. 请你告诉我那家旅馆在什么地方。

b. you turn left and walk 4 blocks down the street b. 你往左转走过四个街口,然后向那条街。

to the first traffic light. you'll see the sign, 上直走,走到第一盏交通灯的地方,你。

smith hotel便会看到史密斯旅馆的招牌了。

at the hotel (ii) 在旅馆。

a. good evening, sir. what can i do for you? a. 晚上好,先生,有什么我能为你效劳吗?

b. i'm mr. li. i've just made a reservation for b. 我姓李, 附近旅馆的经理刚才替我在这里。

tonight through the manager of your neighboring hotel. 订了房间。

a. oh, yes, he just called. we h**e room 563 reserved a. 噢,是的,他刚才打过**来。我们留。

for you了563号房间给你。

boy, will you please take mr. li to room 563? 侍应生,请带李先生去563号房间。

c. is this all your luggage? c. 你的行李就这么多吗?

b. yes. i h**e only three pieces. b. 是的,我只有三件行李。

c. this way please, sir. the elevator is right over c. 这边来,先生,电梯就在那边。


b. here you are. a little tip for you. b. 这是给你的,一点小费。

c. thank you very much. c. 多谢。

at the hotel (iii) 在旅馆。

a. do you h**e room service? a. 你们的房间有没有人服务?

b. will be an extra charge of b. 有的,但要加收10%的服务费。

10% for the service.

a. could you wake me up tomorrow morning at 6 a. 你可不可以明天早上六点叫醒我?

o'clock as i h**e to catch the 7 o'clock train? 因为我要赶上七点开的火车。

b. you can tell the operator and ask her to call b. 你可以告诉**接线员,让她明天。

you tomorrow morning at six. 六点给你打**。

(checking out) (结账)

a. operator, connect me with the cashier please? a. 接线员,请替我接出纳。

miss, i want to check out. will you please h**e 小姐,我要结账,请把账单准备好,我。

the bill ready for me? i'll come down in a few 一会就下来。


c. sir, i'll bill you right away. c. 好的,先生,我马上开单给你。

a. operator, sorry to bother you again. will you a. 接线员,对不起又麻烦你。请你叫一位。

please send me a porter to carry my luggage downstairs? 服务员帮我把行李搬到楼下,好吗。


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