学年高三英语一模选词填空题型高频词汇总 更新版

发布 2021-04-05 08:02:28 阅读 4432


名词: depression;identities,cost-s**ing, population,shortages,agriculture,minerals,immigrants,celebrations,solution,inconvenience,adaption;enthusiasts;sales;priorities;feedback;capacity;conditions ;data; character; chances;volume;instinct

动词:expect;recommend;handle;boost;coincide;dedicate;calculating;generate;launch;disclose;enrolled,established, natives, route, alert, opened,increased,occur,ruined,qualify,restricted;containing; interpret; enhancing; resist; producing; accommodate;conflicting ;tapped;flow;slowing

形容词: severe;sociable;ultimate;significant, profitable,fashionable,genetic,risky;agricultural;rural;sore ;conscious; constant;

副词:instead, practically, completely;definitely; moderately;seemingly;


hold;cause;enroll;qualify;adaptation;boast;surprise;character, ,


the effect was first __42_noted__ in 1858 by william farr, who wrote that widows and widowers (鳏夫)were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers .


the ultimate social network is still being __50__mapped_ out,解析2:map有名词(地图)和动词(计划;绘制地图)两周词性,此处考查的是动词的词性。

奉贤一模:spring festival shopping gala will help 45 narrow the gap between urban and rural consumers.

解析1: narrow有形容词(狭窄的)还有动词(缩小)两个词性,此处考查narrow作为动词为“缩小差距”的意思。

alibaba didn’t disclose the specific 50 purchases made by rural shoppers, but said that items such as tv sets, air conditioners, shampoos and oil were very popular in villages.


虹口一模:for example, a student who changes their email carrier will probably forget to __49___the institution to the change and could then miss out on __50___messages from the university with regard to their courses, scholarship, safety information, ect.

解析:route n.路线 v. 按路线发送。此题是forget to do sth,alert在这里作动词,表示“使警觉”。


most people think of colorblindness as a/a 45 or disability, mainly causing problems with unmatched shirts and socks.

解析:inconvenience n. 不便 v. 麻烦,打扰。此题inconvenience在这里作名词,表示“不便”。

青浦一模:and there can only be so much to look forwards to as we___47_head___into the future.

解析1:head into the future 表示进入未来, head 在这里作名词,朝….前进,出发。

青浦一模:at the moment, _48_shared__information that passes through these systems can be run through different forms.

解析1:share v. 分享 n.份额,股份在此shared是用作分词化的形容词。

长宁一模:though the limitation will scare some, there is usually a benefit. a small size results in a small price tag and small bills, ****** tiny houses easier to s**e up for and 50 .

解析: budget n.预算 v. 做预算。此题是and连接两个动词不定式做方式状语,budget在这里作动词,表示“做预算”。

闵行一模:the study claims the(41) transformed man's best friend from a creature that beh**ed more like a cat, into the canines we know and love today.

解析:process n. 过程 v. 加工、处理。本题需要填写一个名词,这个“(进化)过程”改变了……。

闸北一模:…subjective as in happy people being less disturbed by a __43___throat or running nose.

解析1: sore可以做名词或者动词,此处填形容词,sore throat表示“咽喉痛”。


…even he**y traffic can __47___smoothly……



for example, social contact can boost development of the brain and immune (免疫力)system, leading to better health and less chance of __47___later in life.

解析1:leading to 后面的宾语意为:更好的健康及更少抑郁的可能性。

此处depression除了有“抑郁、沮丧”还有“萧条”的意思,如the great depression特指首先爆发于美国的1929-2023年世界经济大危机。

虹口一模:starting next year, freshman___43___at boston college won’t be given an actual email account complete with login and inbox, just an email address.


黄浦一模:chinese silk was turned into __48_ evening wear and cloaks by chinese tailors and seamstresses.



people may not 48 as commercial pilots, for instance, if they're colorblind.


长宁一模:besides an attractive appearance, tiny houses can also 43 unique practical features.


闵行一模:this led to a(n)(43) (formation) in the body shape and hunting beh**ior of dogs, turning them into animals that no longer(44) their prey(猎物), but chased it down instead .


闸北一模:researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness __42___immune function and subjective as in happy people being less disturbed by a __43___throat or running nose.


选词填空题是初中英语的一个重要题型,它集词的用法与搭配 词语辨析 语法 单句理解 语篇理解等考查于一体,那么接下来给大家分享一些关于高三英语选词填空题的技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。高三英语选词填空题的技巧。1.在拿到题目后,不要急于看文章,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性做简单的标记,例如 名词 动词...


选词填空题是初中英语的一个重要题型,它集词的用法与搭配 词语辨析 语法 单句理解 语篇理解等考查于一体,那么接下来给大家分享一些关于。1.在拿到题目后,不要急于看文章,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性做简单的标记,例如 名词 动词 形容词 副词等等,同时对词义作初步的理解。2.通读全文,语义完整 适...


广东高考语法填空题型分析。摘要 本文主要从题型特点 解题方法和训练方式三个方面详细地分析广东省高考的语法填空题型,旨在帮助广东省的高中英语教师在平时的教学中循序渐进地指导学生学习语法,提高他们对语法填空这种题型的解题能力。关键词 语法 题型特点 解题方法 训练方式。语法填空 是2007年高考英语科 ...