
发布 2021-04-04 21:46:28 阅读 5559






1、shadea. |ed|b. |d|c. |ed|d. |d|

2、roota. |ru:t|b. |rt|c. |rt|d. |rt|

3、reacta. |r:kt|b. |rekt|c. |rkt|d. |rkt|

4、ranka. |renk|b. |rek|c. |rk|d. |rnk|

5、themea. |m|b. |m|c. |m|d. |em|



is this your school computer room?

— what are they doing?

yes, we work here once a week. 10



11、the old couplea happy life in the village.

a. are livingb. are livedc. is livingd. is lived

12、the boat sank quickly buteverybody was resued.

a. generally b. completely c. naturally d. fortunately

13、we often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballsthat all children like these things.

a. thinkingb. thinkc. to thinkd. thought

14、when i said that some people are stupid i was notyou.

a. talking tob. referring toc. turning tod. listening to

15my english teacher, i h**e become what i am.

a. thanks forb. thank toc. thanks tod. thank for

16、the officers narrowly escapedin the hot battle.

a. h**e killedb. to killc. to be killedd. being killed

17、she is studying hard nowpassing the college english entrance examinations and going to college.

a. with the hope ofb. in hopes of c. in the hope of d. all the above

18、my mother was in hospital for six months. she felt as if she wasfrom the outside world.

a. cut outb. cut offc. cut upd. cut through

19、thelook in his face suggests that he is happy.

a. excitingb. excitedc. excited. excitement

20、--shall i open the window to let some fresh air in?

-- noa. i’d rather notb. i’d like not to c. i’d rather you didd. i’d rather you not

21、the car has run 200 thousand kilometers and it needsrepairs.

a. majorb. greatc. maind. chief

22、thefor the 2010 shanghai world expo was “better city, better life”.

a. title b. theme c. subject d. news

23、the writer spent half his lifeaenglish novel.

a. finish to write;500-thousands-wordb. finishing writing;500-thousand-word

c. to finish to write;500-thousands-wordd. to finish writing;500-thousand-word

24it is to go swimming in a river in summer!

a. how funb. how a func. what a fund. what fun

25、china dailyisa news*****,it can also help us to improve our english.

a. less thanb. more thanc. not more thand. no more than

第二题完形填空 (本大题共30分)


高一第二学期英语考试。时间 60分钟满分一百分 姓名班别分数。答题卡 一 根据所给汉语,选出与之匹配的英文。请把答案填在答题卡,共25题,每题两分,共50分。1 运动,战役。a campaign 2.人类。a enemy b.human being 3.离开,出发。off back 4.行为,举止 ...

高一英语试题 高一英语必修三1 3单元测试题

键入文字 高一英语试题 高一英语必修三 1 3 单元测试题。试卷内容 说明 第 i 卷 选择题 答案请涂在机读答题卡相应位置上。第 ii 卷在答题卷上答题。交卷时请交答题卡和答题卷。第 i 卷 共 85 分 第一部分 英语知识运用 共两节,满分 45 分 第一节 单项选择 共 25 小题,每小题 1...

高一英语试题Book1unit3 2

单词拼写。weather预报 said there was going to be a storm.2.he is a sperson.once he has made up his mind,he will not change.order to speak english流利地 we shoul...