写作与指导 中学生作文写作技巧

发布 2021-03-31 22:14:28 阅读 5633


一、 学会摘抄。







典型的人和事;4、 精辟而独到的见解;5、精彩的描绘片断;6、颇有特色的顺口溜……在。






二、 学会拟题。











三、 多做片段作文练习。





摸索掌握了。 one, learn to extract

ask canal that so clear, as has the springhead. the composition of natural

is the springhead of our daily life, but the others a wonderful article is actually

we writing a story. an http://article is likely to contain the

author of a life, an article may contain an author’s opinion, an article may h**e

some emotion expression author. learn to extract, is another kind of sense of the accumulation of life. the song dynastywriter su dongpo claims:

concept and take, thick and thin hair product. this shows that the accumulation of material is the writing premise. determined to overcome the difficulty of writing students, should h**e a special extract, comments notebook.

can extract things should at least include the following several aspects: 1, saying ( poetry, text ),epigrams, proverbs, maxims,sentences ( which contain parallelism, exaggeration, dual and other rhetorical devices, the content of the health sentence );2, fresh, vivid language; 3, typical of people and things; 4, brilliant and original insights; 5, excellent depiction of pieces; 6, the distinctive jingle ..on the basis of this, we need to extract the material detailed experience and ponder, to deepen the understanding and memory, which is in the accumulation than extract further links.

to be just perfect for the accumulation of material http://composition, appreciate the extent of plays a crucial role in. if only extract does not

appreciate comments, then the material will be just backwater , very rare in handy, casual way, it also lost the significance http://of accumulated. conversely, if in the body under the time, then these materials will become a living soldiers , within call, h**e one’s words at hand, so that his article alive.

two, learn to be

now a lot of composition is half proposition or topic composition, how to conform to no conventional pattern of a title, one h**e to say the topic

composition, is an important part of success. if the write autumn composition, common problem may be autumn , autumn thoughts , subject is big and empty, very well written. the i h**e a date with autumn , will be good to write something, but the reader sees this problem will provide the heartbeat, to read and then quickly.

for this type of composition problem of problem, we can use the following measures: extension method, http://is in the title or keywords in front of or behind with proper words, so as to the topic more specific, thus reducing the difficulty of writing, such as smile and before salesman , become the salesman smile ; rhetoric method:

use of rhetoric, take what you want to say the use of metaphor, personification, exaggeration, contrast methods of expression, such as traditional and fashion ; imagination, give you problems with the wings of imagination, let a person find everything fresh and new, such as if i were the mayor , stationery in the party ;

suspense: build suspense, such as oil buried in where? 18 years old, what are you thinking of?

to attract readers reading interest.

three, do more fragments writing practice

fragment composition practice is a good way to practice. can be informal, such as solitaire games each write a paragraph of text, and finally into an

article, such as a teacher, student model, use words to him portrait, or find other students composition to modify, reached as mr. ye shengtao said the words, to make it emerges; as is the abstract words, to make it the best

province; to stimulate, make it has the stimulation force; intended to describe, that contains the best student dynamiceffect. here is a list of just writing commonly used in some training methods, extract is the foundation work, problem posing the conception is the overall design, fragment composition is the practice. everyone a lot of practice, will be harvested.

of course, the more the writing skills, but also on your own fumble in practice the master.


一 察物不精,浮光掠影,以至作文时叙述描写抽象空泛。一位同学在 池塘雨景 中写道 池塘的四面围着一些花草树木。树是各种各样的,一片郁郁葱葱。花也是各种各样的,五彩缤纷。这段描写就显得有些空泛。空间有哪些树,树有何特征,有哪些花,这些花的形态和色彩如何,都未能出来。不仅如此,它还未能扣住 雨 字。这都...


叶 妊。k獭。中学生英语写作技15庄。静。吉林市船营区教师进修学校吉林吉林。憔。英语书面表达在中考中占力。分。是考察学生观察能。连词成篇。语言得当对写好的句子按。一。定顺序。一。语言组织能力。及对所学词汇和基本句型的运用能力。时间。空间和逻辑 进行整理。不要毫无变化地律使用。学生必须具备扎实的语言基...


作者 庄静。现代教育科学 中学校长 2008年第06期。英语书面表达在中考中占15分,是考察学生观察能力 语言组织能力 及对所学词汇和基本句型的运用能力。学生必须具备扎实的语言基础 过硬的基本功,掌握一定的写作技巧以及创造性思维能力,才能做好这类试题。1.认真审题,明确要求。必须认真审读题目提供的提...