
发布 2021-03-31 13:34:28 阅读 9959








实例解读·2024年全国ⅰ卷)in our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 1course about 20years ago.

the professor 2the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to 3 how many beans the jar contained. a fret 4shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 5answer, and went on saying, “you h**e just 6 an important lesson about science. that is:

never 7 your own senses.”

twenty years later, the 8could guess what the professor had in mind. he 9 himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting 10 into an unknowns world invisible(无形的)to the 11, which can be discovered only through scientific 12 . but the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 13the invitation.

she was just 14 to understand the world .and she 15that her firsthand experience could be the 16 . the professor, however, said that it was 17 .

he was taking away her only 18for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). i remember feeling small and 19.” the woman says, “and i did the only thing i could do.

i 20the course the afternoon, and i h**en’t gone near science since.”

上下文 1.a.artb.historyc. science d. math

词汇辨析2.a.searched for b. looked at c. got through d. marched into(步入)

上下文 3.a.countb. guess c. report d. watch

上下文 4.a.warning b. giving c. turning away d. listening to

常识推理5.a.readyb. possible c. correct d. difficult

固定搭配6.a.1earned b. preparedc. taught d. taken

上下文 7.a.1ose b. trust c. sharpen d. taken

上下文 8.a.1ecturer b. scientist c. speakerd. woman

固定搭配9.a.described b. respectedc. saw d. served

词汇辨析10.a.voyageb. movement c. change d. rush

常识推理 11.a. professor b.eye c.knowledge d.light

词汇辨析12.a.model b.senses c.spiritd.methods

上下文 13.a.hear b. makec.present d.refuse

逻辑推理 14.a.suggesting b.beginning c.pretendingd.waiting

逻辑推理 15.a.believed b.doubtedc. provedd.explained

逻辑推理 16.a.growth b.strengthc.faith d.truth

逻辑推理17.a.firm b. interesting c.wrong d.acceptable

词汇辨析18.a.task b.toolc.success d.connection

逻辑推理19.a.cruel b.proud c.frightenedd.br**e

词汇辨析20.a.droppedb.started c.passedd.missed






第一空:a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 1course about 20years ago. 我们需要读到第二段的you h**e just 6 an important lesson about science才能获得有用信息——an important lesson about science。

此时考生可以在science下划线标注。直至通读全文后,从文章的最后一句话——and i h**en’t gone near science since(我再也没有接触过科学这个课程)可以百分之百确定第一小题的答案为c选项。并且第一小题的四个选项中,只有science在文**现了。

第七空:you h**e just 6 an important lesson about science. that is:

never 7 your own senses.你学到关于科学的一个重要的课程,那就是永远不要___你的感觉。我们必须在通读全文的基础上,才能知道教授告诉他的学生的道理——不要相信眼睛看到的,不要凭自己的感觉来做科学。


第八空:twenty years later, the 8could guess what the professor had in mind.该小题在通读文章的过程中可知guess这个动作的发出者是woman,正确答案为d选项。


第三空:and invited the students to 3 how many beans the jar contained. 本小题可以从a fret 4shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin(听到众多错误的猜测之后,教授勉强地笑了)一句中得到答案为b选项。

第四空:a fret 4shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin…,本句可以根据下文shouts of wildly wrong guesses可知正确选项为d——教授听到了很多错误的猜测。此题也可以归类为常识题,因为只能是“听到”声音。

第十三空:but the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 13the invitation.可是当时只有17岁的小女孩没能接受或者听到那种所谓的邀请。

这里的invitation和第十空后的inviting his students to start…呼应。且教授的邀请是口头说的,作为一个听众,只能是听到教授的邀请。




表示列举的连词:first,second,third…;firstly,secondly,thirdly…; first,next,then…; in the first place,in the second place…;for one thing,for another thing…;


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