托福词汇之厨房英语整理 2

发布 2021-03-30 05:34:28 阅读 2540


pair work: where is the chef?

where is the chef (4) ?

first speaker: 1) where is the executive chef?

2) where is the grill cook?

3) where is the fish cook?

4) where is the pastry chef?

5) where is the vegetable chef?

6) where is the butcher?

7) where is the aboyeur?

8) where is the commis?

9) where is the kitchen clerk?

10) where is the potman?

11) where is the kitchen porter?

12) where is the steward?

13) where is the waiter?

your knife is dull. it should be sharp (5)。

sharpen your knife with your steel (6)。

second speaker: 1) he is in the chef's office.

2) he is in the hot kitchen.

3) he is in the fish section.

4) he is in the pastry.

5) he is in the vegetable preparation.

6) he is in the butchery.

7) he is in the pick up area.

8) he is in the cold kitchen.

9) he is in the chef's office.

10) he is in the pot washer.

11) he is in the kitchen store.

12) he is in the scullery.

13) he is in the beverage cooler.

(some answers are more probable the (7) others, depending on the title.)

(1) cold kitchen 凉菜、冷食如三明治、色拉等的制作间。

(2) hot kitchen 指要通过火加工烹饪菜肴的制作间。

(3) pick up area 餐厅与厨房之间的一间备菜室,即厨房的菜烧好后送到此室,服务员从这里取菜送给客人。

(4) 这是一个特殊疑问句,由"where"疑问词"**"引导,意思是"厨师长在**?"

(5) "should"在此表示必要,是一个语气助词,意思是:"你的刀钝了,应该磨快它。"


(7) "more probable than"形容词比较级,表示"比……更有可能,""有些回答比这里出现的更有可能,依照提问的职别而定。"


anteater 食蚁兽。antelope 羚羊。armadillo 犰狳。ass,donkey 驴。badger 獾。bat 蝙蝠。bear 熊。be er 河狸。billy 雄山羊。bison 美洲野牛。雌狗。boar 雄猪。boar 种猪。brood 鸡的统称。buck 公兔。buffalo ...


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