
发布 2021-03-15 08:02:28 阅读 3645



1、误:eating more vegetables can give you a good body.

正:eating more vegetables will keep you fit and healthy.

2、误:you are impossible to get the money back.

正:it’s impossible for you to get the money back.

3、误:money cannot but everything.

正:we cannot buy everything with money.

4、误:whether one likes the food or not, we all h**e to eat it.

正:whether we like the food or not, we all h**e to eat it.

5、误:he was the only one in the class who were accepted by yale university.

正:he was the only one in the class who was accepted by yale university.

6、误:i want a glass of hot milk.

正:i want a hot glass of milk.

7、误:my parents h**e conditions to buy a car now.

正:my parents can afford a car now.

8、误:tim’s father is no longer dangerous after the operation.

正:tim’s father is no longer in danger after the operation.

9、误:as a college student, we should study hard.

正:as college students, we should study hard.

10、误:it occurred some problems.

正:some problems occurred.



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