
发布 2021-03-13 10:02:28 阅读 7528


1..add to增添增加,add···to往…添加,add up合计加起来,add up to总共有总计达;add后面跟直接引语或that从句时,表示“补充说”

出声的”使声音能够听到,与read call cry等连用;loud“大声地”常与动词talk speak shout laugh等连用;loudly“高声地”有时可与loud换用,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味。

单独”指只有一个人的状态,与心情无关;不用于名词之前;作“只有”讲时置于名词之前;lonely指“内心孤独”与感情有关;还可以修饰地点,表示“偏僻的”如:a lonely village一个偏僻的山村。

far as i know ==as far as i am concerned就我所知,as long as和…一样长;只要。

5.attend“到场出席参加”会议婚礼典礼上学(课) 听报告;attend to处理专心于attend school(class)上学(课),i h**e some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要处理。

sb with sth,assist sb to do sth/in doing sth帮助…做…

7.全神贯注…be absorbed in,put oneˊs heart into;fix sth on upon sb全神贯注于,凝视。

to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事,appeal against 上诉,the government is appealing to everyone to s**e water.

(sth) at 把…瞄准,目的在于;aim to do sth旨在做某事。

10..above all 首先尤其最重要的是…in all总计总共。

11..break down 毁坏分解出故障,break off 打断停顿,break in/into破灭而入,break out(战争等)爆发,break away (from)同…..决裂(脱离关系),break through突破(重围)

into+名词,突然发生,burst out+都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”

up抚养·培养·提出;bring in 引进盈利; bring about 导致· 引起;bring out 拿出·取出·出版·揭露。

14..come across 偶然遇见,被理解,come up with赶上,想出, come over从远处来,come through **· 经历……之后仍然活着 ,come to oneself 恢复知觉活跃起来,come into being形成,come to light显露,为人所知

15,charge sb some money for sth就….向某人索要费用,charge sb with sth 控告某人犯….罪,accuse sb of sth指责。

,控诉某人某事,charge sb to do命令某人做某事, be charged with充满…,take charge of 负责掌管,take the charge of由….负责, in the charge of+人,由….负责in charge of+物,公司等,主管,负责。

content to do sth=be ready/ willing to do sth愿意(乐意)做…;be content/ pleased / satisfied with sth对…满意。

17,cut off 切断,阻碍,堵塞,cut up 切碎,摧毁,cut down 砍倒,减少,cut out删除,cut through抄近路,curious about对…感到好奇,be curious to do渴望做…

and/ with b混淆 confused感到困惑。


with b 把a与b比较(同类比较),compare a to b把a比作b(比喻),compared to/with 与….比起来,作状语,位于句首,句末

22..call for需要·需求 ,call at 拜访(某地)·(火车等)停靠,call on/upon sb拜访某人,看望,call sb up打**·使想起, call off取消·停止进行

23..choose to do,choose from从。中选择, there are four answers to choose from.

24,in good condition情况良好 in /out of condition健康良好(不佳);condition“环境形势”用复数形式

前有数词或a few,several ,many等词修饰时,用单数。后面接名词时of可用可不用;接代词时of不能省略;dozens of “许多”by the dozen论打,by weight按重量。

25,.die out 灭绝消失熄灭, die away(声音光线风等)逐渐变弱, die down (火等)渐熄·(闹声等)渐消失,die of内在的原因死亡,die from外在的原因死亡

26,do honour to sb=do sb honour对某人敬意,in honour of纪念…..向…表敬意。

27, separate…from 将….与…分开(将靠近的人物分开,强调个体的隔离),divide….into分开分离(把人物分成若干份),separate还有“单独的,分开的”

eager for渴望得到某物,be eager to do急于做某事。

一次)经历体验 ”是可数名词,“经验”不可数名词experienced“有经验的” experienced in/at “在….方面有经验”she has years of experience in teaching./she is experienced in/at looking after children

+基数词+复数名词,every+序数词+单数名词;every other day=every second day=every two days每两天,每隔一天

an end to ;bring…to an end; come to an end 结束,完成。

32,be/get engaged to sb与…订婚,be/get engaged in sth忙于做某事,从事于某事,engage还有“雇用”的意思,he engaged my sister as his secretay.42,inform sb of /about sth ,用…喂养把…喂给。

doing禁止做某事,forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事。

35,find fault with找…的毛病,对…抱怨。

36,be fit for sb/ sth适合某人某物,be fit to do适合干某事keep fit 保存健康;fit作动词时表示衣服的尺寸大小适合某人fit sb;suit指颜色,质地,款式上合适;match指样式,风格,品质等的匹配一致

37,get through接通(**), 完成(工作),抵达,通过(考试),get about/ around走动,(消息等)传开,get along 相处,(事情等)进展,get behind 落后,get down降下,写下,get down to 着手做某事,get over 越过,克服(困难等),get rid of 摆脱,除去。

38,go against违背(反),不利 go in for 从事,参加,go ahead 进步·前进·请吧·继续下去,go through经过·经历·调查,go down下降·平静下来,go by 走过·时间流逝,go for适用于

39,give in屈服·让步·投降,give away 暴露·泄密·赠送,give off 放出(烟,气味等),give out耗尽 ·公布give up 放弃·戒掉·认输

hand 近在手边·在附近·即将来到的, by hand 用手·手工。

41,hold up举起,堵塞hold back 缩回,制止hold on to 抓住,固守

informed of “通知某人做某事’, inform sb +从句,about接连打击·冲击·漫游, knock down打倒·击倒·撞倒,knock off(拳击)击倒。

44,living作表语定语与“死的”’相对。living things 表示:生物,alive作表语补语,作定语时需要放在被修饰的词的后面,live活的,只作定语,修饰动物,如a live mouse ;live by靠…为主,live…on以…为主食,靠….

生活;live through经历过,经过…之后还活着;live up to遵守,不辜负。


有两种过去式过去分词形式(lit lit;lighted lighted)做定语只能用lighted,不用lit;如;they lit a candle and the lighted candle lighted the room.

behind 忘了带;留下,i've left my pen behind. 我忘了带笔。le**e for到某地去le**e …alone不干涉·不理,le**e…out忽略·遗漏,let …down不支持,使失望。


one.the otherone another 使用 one.the other.时,我们通常是针对两者而言的,即指 两者中的一个 另一个 如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者而言的,而是针对多者而言的,那么我们就不宜在one后使用the other,而考虑用another。请看下面一道题 her lec...


1 a big time 尽兴,高兴的时刻。i had a big time there.the big time 第一流,最高级。don t worry,you are in the big time now.2 according to 按照,根据。they were commended or ...


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