
发布 2021-03-09 06:25:28 阅读 9794


类型1 在动词 is, am, are (或was, were )后面加上 not ,其它不变。

在动词can, could, will(将要), would(愿意), should(应该), 或 must(必须)、may(可以)后面加上 not,就可以改为否定句。

类型2 普通动词,需要加上助动词do 或does或did, 再加上 not, 动词用原形,就可以改为否定句。

例:we like tea.→→we do not like tea.(即we don’t like tea.)

he wants two cakes. →he does not want two cakes.

they lived in guilin. →they did not live in guilin.


1、is, am, are后面动词用ing形式(现在分词),表示正在进行某活动。

2、do 或does或did, can, could, will(将要), would, should(应该), 或 must(必须)后面的动词用原形,也就是动词不要变。

3、to后面动词用原形,例如短语用法: go to do, want to do,

be going to do, would like to do,

4、特殊短语用法:例:go swimming, go fishing, go shopping

5、动词ing形式当动名词用,例:like running,6. 介词(for,at,in,on,with等)后面动词用动词ing形式当动名词用,例:

thank you for talking to me. thank you for helping me.

she is good at singing songs.

7. she, he,等第三人称单数后面,动词用第三人称单数形式,例:daming likes milk. tom watches tv every day.

8. 有 ago, yesterday, last week等过去时间,动词用过去式形式。


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