五年级英语阅读材料 狗狗Clifford之感恩节旅行

发布 2021-03-02 16:54:28 阅读 1553


on thanksgiving, we go to visit my grandma. clifford has to stay at home. our neighbors take care ofhim.


clifford misses his mum. she lives in the city. early in the morning, clifford runs to the city.

clifford 想妈妈了。妈妈住在城里。一大早,clifford 就向城里跑去。

clifford comes to a bridge. all cars h**e stopped. why?

it is a drawbridge. and it is opening right under clifford! oh, no!

poor clifford!

clifford 来到一座桥上。所有的车都停了,为什么呢?那是座吊桥,刚好在 clifford 的脚下,吊桥打开了!噢,不!可怜的 clifford!

clifford is wet and cold. he doesn’t want to go back. he moves on into a railwaytunnel.

clifford 又湿又冷。他不想调头回去。他继续赶路,走进一个铁路隧道。

suddenly clifford hears a roar and sees a brightlight. it’s a train. he can’t turn around, so he pushes the train back to the station.

突然,clifford 听到一声轰鸣,看到一束强光。火车来了!他无法转身避开,所以就把火车推回到车站里。

clifford is in the city. he climbs up a tall building to look around. he can see his mother’s house!

clifford 来到了城里。他爬上一座高楼四处张望。他能看到妈妈的家!

at last, clifford finds his mum. she is so happy to see her boy. they h**e a nice thanksgiving dinner.

最后,clifford 找到了妈妈。妈妈看到自己的孩子特开心。他们吃了一顿美味的感恩节大餐。

clifford loves his mother, but he has to go home soon because i missclifford, and he misses me.


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