
发布 2021-03-02 14:40:28 阅读 5852


1、i am=i’m我是。

you are=you’re你(们)是。

she is= she’s她是。

he is= he’s他是。

it is=it’s 它是。

某人 is 某人是。

they are= they’re他们是。

we are= we’re我们是。

he is a father(父亲).

she is a mother.(母亲)

it is a dog(狗).

i am a student(学生).

you are a teather(老师).

they are friends(朋友).

we are friends.

2、feel 感觉。





1) i feel bored.

are you feeling sad.

yes,i am.

no, i am not.

are they feeling happy.

yes,they are.

no, they are not.

is he feeling bored.

yes,he is.

no, he is not.

is she feeling tired.

yes,she is.

no, she is not.

is it yellow.

yes,it is.

no, it is not.


do you…..

yes,i do.

no,i do not.

= don’t)

do they…..

yes,they do.

no,they do not.

= don’t)

does he/she/某个人…..

yes, he/she/某人 does.

no, he/she/某人does not.



will you/they/he/she/某人……yes, i/ they/he/she/某人 will.

no, i/ they/he/she/某人 will not.


5、 过去式(过去发生的事)



do(did)做 go(went)出发。

come(came)来 meet(met)见。

drop(dropped)掉 run(ran)跑。


did you/ she/he/they…..

yes, i/ she/he/they did.

no, i/she/he/they did not.


6、can能 can not(can’t)不能。

play basketball打篮球。

play football打足球。

play table tennis打兵乓球。

play chess 下棋。

catch the ball接住球

control the ball控制球。

run fast跑得快walk走。

jump high跳高 jump far跳远。

ride a bike 骑自行车

sing唱歌 swim游泳skip跳绳。

eat吃 see看hear听见 read读。

sit down坐下 find寻找。

blind 失明的 deaf 耳聋的。

very well很棒very badly糟糕。

1) can you/they/we/he/she/某人。

yes, i/they/we/he/she/某人can.

no, i/ they/he/she/某人can not.


2) i/ they/he/she/某人cani/ they/he/she/某人can’t3)help帮助。

yong年轻的 old老的,旧的。

boy男孩 girl女孩


father爸爸 mother妈妈。

fireman消防员 sausages热狗。

dog狗 cat猫 chick 鸡。

比如:(1)某个人/ he/she helps me/him/her/them/us/you.

2)we/you/they help me/him/her.

一、 以“how(怎样)”提问。

how do you go to school?.


i walk(走路) to school.

i go to school on foot(步行).

i go to school by bike(骑自行车).

i go to school by bus(乘公共汽车).

i go to school by texi(搭出租车).

三、多少。1、how many do you want(想要)?

apple(s)苹果 banana(s)香蕉。

pear(s)梨 orange(s)桔子。

cake(s)蛋糕 egg(s)鸡蛋。


2、how much do you want(想要)?

milk牛奶 juice果汁。

cheese奶酪 rice大米


回答:one一 two 二 three三。

four四 five五 six六。

seven七 eight八 nine九。

ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二。

half a kilo 半斤。

数字 + kilo(s)斤

数字 + box(es) 盒,箱

数字 + bottle(s)瓶

数字 + bag(s)袋,包。

数字 + yuan

3、do you like(喜欢)….

yes,i do. no,i don’t.

4、 i like…..我喜欢…

i don’t like…..我不喜欢….


1)what time is it?

it’s seven o’clock.

问:what time does school start?

回答:my school starts at 时间。

整时:one o’clock

two o’clock

three o’clock

半时:half past seven

half past nine

问:what time do you 做某事?

回答:i 做某事 at 时间。

比如:what time do you get up?

i get up at seven.

get up起床 do exercises做操。

h**e breakfast吃早餐。

go to school上学。

go home回家。

watch tv看电视。

do homework 做作业。

go to bed睡觉(sleep)

五、there are….有。

child children 孩子。

people peoples 人。

pencil pencils 铅笔。

chair chairs 椅子。

cap caps 帽子。

cup cups 杯子。

book books 书。

sweater sweaters 毛衣。

t-shirt t-shirts t恤。

skirt skirts 裙子。

on the bus 在公共汽车上。

on the line 挂在绳子上。

on the desk 在桌上。

in the bag 在书包里。

in the box 在盒子里。

in the road 在路上。

1)there is a/one pencil in the bag.

there are two pencils in the bag.

2)enough足够 not enough不够there is enough time.时间足够。 there is not enough time.

时间不够。(is not=isn’t)

there are enough pencils.

铅笔足够。there are not enough pencils.

铅笔不够。(are not=aren’t)3) there are too many ..


there are too many children.



should not (shouldn’t)不应该you (should/shouldn’t)hold my hand.

you (should/shouldn’t)walk in the road.


eat fruits吃水果。

do homework做作业。

do exercises做操。

hold my hand 抓住我的手。

say hello to friends问好。

say good-bye to friends说再见。

say sorry说对不起。

say thank you 说谢谢。

sing loudly唱大声点。

take the right child牵右边的孩子。


cross the road过马路。

take a photo 照相。

eat too much吃太多。

walk in the road在马路上走in a hurry 赶紧,赶快。

argue with friends和朋友吵闹。

draw on the wall在墙上画画。

talk in class在教室里说话。


my 东西=mine我的。

his 东西=his 他的。

her 东西=hers 她的。


our 东西=ours 我们的。

their 东西=theirs他们的;她们的。

某人’s 东西=某人’s

lingling’s bag= lingling’s)1) this bag is yours.

this is your bag.


一 学科。1.my f orite subject is english.1.我最喜欢的科目是英文的。2.more than three quarters of the information on the internet is in english.2.超过四分之三的因特网上是信息的英文的。3....


打招呼 hello hi 询问姓名 what s your name?回答姓名 介绍自己 my name is.i m.道别 goodbye bye i h e a an.我有 5个元音字母 a,e,i,o,u me,too.我也有。我也是。close 关上,闭上 close your book.关...


数字。1,768,321 one million,seven hundred and sixty eight thousand,three hundred and twenty one 4,304 four thousand,three hundred and four 56,432 fifty s...