
发布 2021-03-02 11:36:28 阅读 9441



i 1---15 阅读理解三篇(15)


ii 16---45 词语用法和语法结构

题数(30) 30分时间25

iii 46---55 挑错。

题数 (10) 10分时间 10

iv 56---75 完形填空。

题数 (20) 10分时间 15

v 76---85 翻译。

题数 (10) 20分时间 30

合计。题数 85 100分时间120


一:阅读理解(part i reading comprehension) 共15题,考试40分钟。

要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。 短文选材的原则是:

1. 题材广泛。(人物传记,社会,文化,日常知识,热门话题及科普常识等)

2. 体裁多样。(叙述文,说明文,议**等)

3. 文章的语言为中等难度。

passage 1

questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

dr. james barry was the first woman in england to go to medical school. when she was growing up, women could not go to medical school.

(76) so how did she become a doctor? she simply pretended that she was a man.

no one knows real name, her birth date, or her family’s background. some records show that she was born in 1795 in london. some people say she was the daughter of a rich man or a royal prince.

one fact we know is that in 1810, james barry became a medical student at the university of edinburgh.

james barry’s classmates made fun of her because she didn’t h**e a beard and she was only five feet tall. but no one thought she was a girl. at the age of20, james barry graduateed from the university of edinburgh as a doctor of medicine.

she was one of the youngest students to coplete her studies. dr. barry then went to work in a london hospital and studied surgery.

a year later, she entered the army and became a hospital assistant. we will never know how she **oided the army physical examination.

for the next 45 years, dr. james barry was a british officer and a successful surgeon. everyone admired her.

she began to do a lot of work for the army.(77) at that time, england had many colonies around the world. dr barry spent a lot of time in foreign countries.

she tr**elled to india, corfu, malta, and jamaica. in 1856 she went to south africa, and she was soon known as the best doctor and surgeon in the governor’s personal doctor. people admired dr.

bary, but she also had a reputation as atroublemaker. if people talked about her high voice or tiny figure, she became very angry. she was an excellent swordsman, and she started fights often.

1. according to the passage, dr. barry was made fun of because she __

a. had a low voice

b. had a funny beard

talld. was short

2. which of the following about james barry wa made fun of because she __

a. she had a rich father. b. she became a medical student in 1810.

c. she was born in edinburgh. d. she was a royal princess.

3. which of the following about james barry is not true?

a. she as a toublemaker.

b. she worked in many foreign countries.

c. she made great contributions to the british army.

d. she was the best doctor in london.

4. was not happy when people talked about her___

a. family b. job

c. university d. voice

5. the word swodsman in paragraph 4 probably means __

a. someone who is skilled at fighting with a sword.

b. someone who is skilled at fighting with a gun.

c. someone who often fights with other people

d. someone who often makes trouble for other people




the medicine now. i believe it will __

your pain.

a. release b. relive

c. reject d. relieve

is so hot. you should put the food into the refrigerator now. otherwise, it will __soon.

a. harm b. hurt

c. spoil d. damage

is certain that he will __his business __to his son when he gets old.

a. take over b. think over

c. hand over d. go over

is impossible to live in society and be independent __society.

a. on b. from

c. in d. of

三:挑错(part iii identification) 共10题,考试时间10分钟。

1) 名词单复数出错 2)非谓语动词出错

3)主谓一致出错 4)平行原则

5) 形容词、副词比较级最高级

6) 连词出错 7) 倒装出错。

8) 语态和时态语法出错。

9)固定搭配出错 10)常见句型出错。

四:完形填空(part iv cloze)共 20题,考试时间15分钟。


五:翻译(part v translation)

翻译部分主要考核 (词汇,语法,句型)等方面综合运用语言的能力。

共 10题,考试时间30分钟。

more and more important…

h**e/has … difficulty in doing…

if he had come earlier, he would h**e met tom.

it is/was… that…

not until…


relive(重生), reject(拒绝), relieve(缓解), release(释放)

affect(v. 影响), effect(n.影响)

adopt(采纳, 收养), adapt(适应), adjust(调节)

recover, discover, cover

raise(vt.提高,饲养), rise(vi.升高),

arouse(vt.唤醒, 引起),

arise(vi.出现/发生) (from)由…引起。

due to, 由于,因为 each other, 互相。

in effect, 实际上,事实上。

固定词组。break out, 突然发生, 爆发

break off, 中止, 中断。


重庆学位英语语法考点。有关名词 代词做主语数的考点 主谓一致 英语中,名词与代词做主语与谓语在数应该保持一致,但在实际应用中很容易被忽视,尤其是主语和谓语之间出现分隔,故考试中经常考到主谓一致,现将主谓一致的考点归纳如下 考点一 复数原则 两个或者两个以上的名词由and连接作主语时,或主语由both...


总则本考试的目的在于全面考核申请学士学位的 本科学生是否达到了所规定的英语能力,该考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试 criterion related norm referenced test 结合我省英语教学的现状和社会对学生英语能力的实际要求,一定的听的能力 较强的阅读能力和初步的写的能力是必不可...


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