
发布 2021-02-21 23:16:28 阅读 5044





sead. tea() girlc. gladd.

game() 3. dearc. neard.

wear() 4. a. countryb.

easyc. sunnyd. sky二.词汇。


a.从下列词中挑选出5个适当的词分别完成句子。每空一词。(5分)(enjoy, better, most, gr**ity, interesting, so)

can __dancing and many different kinds of food.

school is near to my home___i walk to school book is veryi like it very is no __in space so people can float.

dragon team won the __medals and was in the first 用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分)

1. soon it will be chinese new year. we __visit) beijing this holiday.

2. jimnot like) spicy food at all.

3. michael is one of the___fat) boys in class.

4. i went to bed early last night but i didn’t___fall) asleep soon.5.

in f___the sun is the biggest in the solar system.三.选择佳答案。(12分)

) is 10 years old. mary is __she is 12 years smallerb. youngerc.

olderd. bigger() 2. _is it from your school to the bus stop?

about 100 meters.

a. how longb. how farc. how soond. how much() 3. tom is___honest student.

a. ab. onec. and. /hair is longer than___

a. myb. mec. id. mine

) 5. mr. chen was very __after a day’s work.

he wanted to h**e a happyb. healthyc. tiredd.

hungry() 6. let’s___the solar system.

a. talkb. talkingc.

talk aboutd. talking about() 7. it’s ten o’ clock now.

it’s time___forc. ind. at() with your bike?

a. the wrongb. matterc.

the matterd. mistake() don’t like spicy food___sweet andb. toc.

ord. in

) likes __vegetables

a. eatsb. washc. eatingd. washes() 11. look, the children___for sports day.

a. practiseb. is practisingc.

practisedd. are practising() h**e a___family. we live___a.

happily, happilyc. happily,happilyd. happy,happy


a. h**e a good good luck to goodbye.()2.你喜欢汤但不喜欢酸辣汤,你可以说:

a. i like soup so i like sour i don’t like soup but i like spicy soup.

c. i like soup but i don’t like sweet and sour soup.()3.你的同学生病了,你会说:

a. i’m sorry to hear that .b. what a i’m afraid to hear that.()4.你的同学经常吃快餐,你可以说:

a.fast food is you shouldn’t eat too much fast food. it’s bad for fast food is delicious and healthy.()5.

would you like some fried chicken

a. don’t worry about yes, yes,thank you.五.选择适当的句子补全对话。

(5分)a. thank you very here it is.

c. never mind.(没关系)d. what would you like?e. they don’t h**e tomato soup.

w:are you hungry?m: well, yes, a (1

m:i h**e no idea. maybe a (2

m: uhh. i’d like a bowl of tomato sorry. (3

m: (4then give me a fruit salad, all right. the fruit salad is delicious here.

wait a (5六.完型填空。(5分)

youneedto_1__healthyfoodtoh**eahealthybody,butwhat__2__offoodarehealthy?it’ everyday. you should also eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.

meat, chicken,fish and eggsare good__3_you but don’t eat __4_. you should drink some milk everyday,too. many peoplelike __5_ spicy food.

it’s not good for our health. remember not to eat too much sweet food,either.

) ated. eating() 2. a.

kindb. lotsc. a lotd.

kinds() 3. a. tob.

withc. ford. at

) 4. a. too manyb.

muchc. too muchd. much too() 5.

a. eatingb. eatsc.

eattingd. ate七.阅读理解。错的写f,对的写t.


hello. my name is millie. i’m thirteen years old.

i’m agood boy. i often play volleyball so .i’ “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

in the evening, i sometimes h**e a glass ofmilk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. for dinner, i often h**e soup, meat and like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. they are good for me.

look at me! howtall and strong i am now!

根据短文判断正(t)误(f)1.()millie is 14 this year.

2.()millie likes football very much.

3.()millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast.4.

()millie likes apples because they’re healthy.5.()millie often has vegetables for dinner.


my f**ourite characters2. school sports day



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