
发布 2021-02-21 19:19:28 阅读 8282

****** friends is a skill. like most skills, it improves with __1__ if you want to makefriends, you must be able to take___2__.you must first go___3___there are people.

youwon't make friends staying home alone.

join a club or a group, for talking with those who __4___the same things as you dois easier. _5___join someone in some activity.

many people are___6___when talking to people.__7___meeting strangersmeans facing the unknown. and it's human 8 to feel a bit uncomfortable about theunknown.

most of our fears about dealing with new people come from __9___about other people are judging us, find us too tall or too short, too thin or toofat.__11___don't forget that they must be feeling the same way. try to accept yourself___12___you are, and try to put the other person at ease.

in this way you'll feel___13___

try to be self-confident even if you don't feel that way___14___you enter a roomfull of __15___such as a big hall, walk straight in, look 16 at other people and smile. ifyou see someone you'd like to say something to, don't wait for the other personto___17___a conversation.

just meeting someone___18___doesn't mean that you will make friends with thatperson-friendship is___19___on mutual liking and "giving and taking". it takes 20 andeffort to develop. and there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.

1. a. practice b.

money c. girls d. everything2.

a. photos b. actions c.

trouble d. place3. a.

where b. that c. which d.


4. a. h**e b. like c. own d. share5. a. so b. or c. however d. but

6. a. nervous b.

happy c. valuable d. familiar7.

a. above all b. after all c.

at all d. in all8. a.

nature b. advantage c. happiness d.

friend9. a. mistakes b.

beliefs c. wonders d. doubts10.

a. suggest b. regret c.

forget d. imagine11. a.

and b. therefore c. but d.

so12. a. as b.

who c. when d. what

13. a. dangerous b.

hopeless c. nervous d. comfortable14.

a. when b. while c.

that d. why

15. a. strangers b.

relatives c. classmates d. teachers16.

a. anxiously b. angrily c.

curiously d. directly17. a.

start b. finish c. end d.

delay18. a. tall b.

new c. familiar d. tired19.

a. made b. laid c.

taken d. based20. a.

hope b. people c. time d.


1. a。下文提到了通过参加俱乐部等在实践中交友。

2. b。take actions是固定词组,意为"采取行动"。本句意为:如果你想交友,你就必须。

付诸行动。3. a。想交朋友,你就必须到有人的地方去。where引导地点状语从句。4. b。在俱乐部里,跟那些与你爱好相同的人交谈更容易些。

5. b。本段中的两个句子均为作者对交友一事提出的建议,即"参加俱乐部、参加一个团体或者参加某人的某个活动"。这三种行为属选择关系。

6. a 7. b 8.


9. d。面对陌生人会产生恐惧感,这来自于对自己的怀疑,这就是没有自信心的表现。10. d。由于对自己产生怀疑,同时也猜测别人对自己的看法。

11. c。此处表转折关系。

12. a。as引导状语从句。

13. d。这样你就会感觉舒服了。

14. a 15. a 16.

d 17. a。当你走进一个满是陌生人的房间时,比如说大厅,即使是你不自信,你也要设法表现得自信些,简直走进去,目光对着别人,面带微笑。


18. b 19. d。

someone new与上文的stranger相对应。be based on是固定词组,意为"建立在……基础上"。本句意为:

友谊是建立在相互喜欢以及"给予和索取"基础上的。20. c。



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