
发布 2021-02-21 09:02:28 阅读 2643


1. the young lady prefers dressing up for a party to __by others.

a. be noticedb. being noticedc. h**ing been noticedd. h**e been noticed

2. before the war broke out, many people __possessions they could not take with threw awayb. put awayc.

g**e awayd. carried away

3. _the pressure from work, teachers h**e to deal with psychological problems caused byinterpersonal relationship.

a. as far asb. as long asc. as well asd. as soon as

4.——i hear your aunt likes tr**el, music, clothes and fine food.——oh, yeah, and music may h**e been __of her tastes.

a. the rather more respectableb. much the most respectablec.

very the most respectabled. even more respectable one

5. _children tend to prefer sweets to meat.

a. the mostb. mostc. most ofd. the most of the

6.——he looks very hot and dry.

—so __if you had a temperature of 103.

a. would youb. will youc. would you h**e beend. do you

adult-educationorganizations,__the junto.

a. has been calledb. to callc. a group calledd. which group called

8. the car __at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about nineo'clock tonight.

a. wentb. is goingc. goesd. will be going

9.——you didn't invite mary to the ball?——her, too?

a. must i inviteb. should i h**e invitedc. must i h**e invitedd. should i invite


a. whatb. itc. whichd. one

完形填空:food is very important. everyone needs to __1__ well if he or she wants to h**e a strongbody.

our minds also need a kind of food. this kind of food is __2__.we begin to get knowledge

even __3__ we are very young. small children are __4__ in everything around them. they learn__5__ while they are watching and listening.

when they are getting older, they begin to __6__story books, science books…, anything they like. when they find something new, they love to askquestions and __7__ to find out answers. what is the best __8__ to get knowledge?

if we learn byourselves, we will get __9__ knowledge. if we are __10__ getting answers from others and do notaskwhy, better.1.

a. sleep2. a.

sport3. a. until

b. readb. exerciseb. when

c. drink

d. eatd. meat

c. knowledgec. after

d. sod. better

4. a. interested5.

a. everything6. a.

lend7. a. try8.

a. place9. a.

little10. a. often

b. interestingc. weak

b. somethingc. nothingd. anythingb. readb. h**eb. schoolb. few

c. learnc. refusec. wayc. many

d. writed. wait

d. road

d. the most

b. alwaysc. usuallyd. something


1. a本题考查非谓语动词的用法。由句意可知,此处的非谓语在句中作目的状语,意思为“这位年轻的女子喜欢化妆是为了能被别人注意到”。

2. b本题主要考查对动词短语的意义辨析。选项a的意思是“扔掉”;选项b的意思是“把……收拾好,储藏……备用”;选项c的意思是“赠送,分发,泄漏,放弃”;选项d的意思是指“冲走”。




4. b本题考查形容词的比较级和最高级。第一句中的“tr**el,music,clothes and fine food”已给出提示,此空格处要用最高级,所以我们首先排除a和d项。


5. b这里most相当于most of the,表示“大多数”。the most表示“最……”与句子意思不符。

6. a本句中从句谓语动词had是解题的关键,这暗示句子使用了虚拟语气(与将来事实相反,主句谓语动词用could,would等)。同时,句子的内在逻辑暗示这里应用“so+谓语+主语”句型表示前边一种情况也适用于后者。

7. c根据句子意思,a group called…用作同位语,对前边起补充说明作用,其中called the junto是过去分词短语用作定语。

8. d考查时态。此处用将来进行时表示因自然之趋势而发生的将来的结果。

9. b考查情态动词。should h**e done本该做但事实上并未做。

10. d考查代词。one作number的同位语。




4.a。小孩对知识的接受主要依靠于他们对事物产生的兴趣,词组be interested in sth表示“对……感兴趣”,而interesting用来形容令人感兴趣的事物,故选择interested。




9.d。与后面的方法比起来,作者认为独立自主的学习为最佳方法,最佳方法当然应使人获得最多的知识,故选择the most。

10.b。be always doing sth意为“总是干某事”。


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