
发布 2021-02-06 08:01:28 阅读 3267


1.——why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?

—news about the tsunami striking her country __an attack of set forb. set out

c. set aboutd. set off

2.——we are informed that the weifang international kite festival starts at 7:00.

—oh, i didn't expect it was so early! i __to go out for dinner with my friends was planningb. am planningc.

h**e been planningd. h**e planned3. _abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like takenb.

takingc. being takend. h**ing been taken4.

——did your classmate accept your invitation?——no, he __refused.

a. as far asb. as well asc.

as soon asd. as good as5. i spent the whole day repairing the motorbike.

the work was __nothing butb. anything butc. something ofd.

all except6.——not getting that job was a big let-down.——don't worry.

something better will __

a. come alongb. take onc. go byd. fall behind

7. _the help of experienced career instructors, this type of job-hunting training __to bevery efficient.

a. by; has provedb. with; has provedc. under; is provingd. with; is proved

questionnaires, _

a. isn't itb. won't itc. aren't theyd. won't they

9. it's a bad practice to __children much money as a new year promiseb. permitc.

admitd. allow

10. by the time you arrive home, i __so please don't make any noise when you come shall h**e been sleepingb. shall h**e sleptc.

shall sleepd. shall be sleeping

完形填空:sincetheearliesttimes,treesh**ebeenalwaysveryusefuland___1__tomanwhomade___2__oftheminmanywaysfor___3__ many useful ways.

they__5___manwithfood,fuelforburningandbuildingmaterialintheformofwood.__6__trees it would be impossible__7___houses, boats and even bridges. furniture such as tables,chairs and cupboards___8__also made of wood.

in the tropics where it is very warm___9__the year, trees protect man___10__the fierce heatofthe___11__.theyarealsousefulinpreventinggoodandfertile(肥沃的)topsoilfrom___12__away during he**y rains which are so common in the tropics.

iftherewerenotrees___13__vegetation(植被)ofsomesorttohold___14__thesoilwiththeir___15__he**y rains would wash away the__16___surface soil so necessary for result is that the land becomes___17__and unproductive.

there are many desert areas in the world. a long, long time___18__these areas___19__veryrich,fertileareas,but___20__ignorantpeopleinancienttimes___21__ never considered planting___22__.strong___23__gradually blew away the rich surface soiland at last the___24__was turned into useless desert where___25__could grow.

1. a. possibleb.

impossiblec. importantd. expensive2.

a. useb. usesc.

everythingd. something3. a.

the manb. menc. peopled.

his4. a. onb.

inc. withd. by5.

a. giveb. providec.

needd. take

6. a. nob.

unlessc. withoutd. not h**ing7.

a. to buildb. to foundc.

establishd. set up8. a.

had beenb. arec. h**e beend.

is9. a. all ofb.

throughoutc. wholed. entirel0.

a. offb. inc.

fromd. awayl l. a.

sunb. airc. weatherd.


l2. a. washingb.

runningc. being washedd. being flownl3.

a. andb. orc.

as well asd. eitherl4. a.

upb. firmlyc. backd.

highl5. a. le**esb.

rootsc. branchesd. trunksl6.

a. richb. muchc.

poord. thinl7. a.

usefulb. strongc. beautifuld.

uselessl8. a. beforeb.

after thatc. passedd. ago

l9. a. must h**eb.

must h**e beenc. perhaps wasd. maybe h**e20.

a. because ofb. forc.

asd. because2l. a.

plantedb. cut downc. put awayd.

grew22. a. cropsb.

vegetablesc. new treesd. grass23.

a. fogsb. rainsc.

snowd. winds24. a.

surfaceb. landc. earthd.

soil25. a. somethingb.

nothingc. everythingd. anything


1. dset off引起,激起。a letter from his home set off an attack of homesickness…。

set out出发,开始;set about开始着手。

2. a用过去进行时表示过去本打算干某事而实际并没干。3.

c句子缺少主语,首先排除a. d;b项表示主动,只能选c。4.

das good as,实际上,几乎等于。

5. banything but意为“一点也不”;nothing but等于only意为“正是,只是”,根据上文提供的语境,“这项工作很麻烦”。

6. a本题主要考查动词短语的意义辨析。选项a的意思是“出现,进展,一起来”;选项b的意思是“呈现,雇佣,接纳,承担”;选项c的意思是“经过”;选项d的意思是“落后”。


本题主要考查固定搭配的识记及动词的语态。根据help的搭配要求,介词须用with,从而排除选项a. c;动词prove表示事物的性质时,为不及物动词,不用被动形式,于是本题的正确答案为b。

8. d本题主要考查反意疑问句部分的逻辑一致性。句子的主语是inspectors,代词用they代替;谓语动词的时态为带will的将来时,疑问部分应用won't形式,于是本题选d。

9. d考查词义辨析。allow允许,使得到,而permit强调“正式认”“批准”。10. d考查时态。根据题意,等到你到家的时候,我将正在睡觉。完形填空:

最佳【分析】be important to sb.指“对某人来说是重要的”。最佳【分析】make use of“利用”,是固定搭配。


最佳【分析】in away或inways指“以方法”,是习惯用法。

最佳provide sb.with sth.指给sb提供sth.”【分析】分析此句,能和with搭配使用的选项只有provide。。

最佳【分析】从句意分析,此句中的would be是虚拟语气,表示“如果没有树,,是不可能的”。而事实恰好与之相反。据此可知without trees含有条件意味,是介词短语作状语。

如选a,no trees是名词短语。如选b,unless后要接从句。所以a与b在语法上都不通。

not h**ing trees只能作分词短语表示原因,此处逻辑不通。

最佳【分析】在it+be+impossible+to do句型中,it是形式主语,to do不定式是真正主语。据此可以排除c和d。build与found虽然都含有“建造”之意,但found指“(用**等)创立或设立组织或机关等”。

如:found a school“创立学校”。build指“建造”具体的建筑物。

如build a school指“(用砖瓦等)建学校”。所以选a。最佳。

最佳【分析】throughouttheyear指一年到头,all,whole与entire虽然都含有“都”之意,但要说all the year,the whole year与the entire year。



最佳【分析】此处的useless and unproductive与上文互为因果。


最佳【分析】从时间关系和主语的复数形式便可以判断排除a、c与d,选b。must h**e十过去分the ground is so wet,it must h**e rained last night.词是表示从目前对过去的推测,指“过去一定。




最佳【分析】land指“陆地”,soil指“土壤”或“植物生长的土地”。earth指“地球”或“泥土(=soil)。因为上文有strong winds blew away the soil一句,可以推断既然soil已经被风吹走,此处当然不能再用soil,因此剩下的就只有“光秃秃的陆地”了,据此选land最佳。



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