
发布 2021-02-21 03:48:28 阅读 1691

1. he looks with every indication that he has found a job.(这种表述要比looks like…高级,作文中如若遇到类似的内容可以借用哦!

)2. i am writing to you in the expectation that you can help me.


harbored reservations about a mixed marriage ,prejudices

you might call them.(名词置于句首表强调,其后引导的内容用一般句式即可,用出来可添光不少哦!)

thought i lying to him ,whereas i was telling the truth.(可用来替换but,however,though等词)


the success of a relationship has a lot to do with how compatible(可兼容的) two people are and how well they



news*****s do report what happens.

he did come here yesterday.

he does work hard.


the editor’s job is to keep the news***** balanced.

my dream is to be a lawyer.

wouldn’t take a drink ,much less would she stay for dinner更不用说,更别提)

mother,mary,all along had been supportive of our relationship.(整句为appositional structure)

其中,all along=all the time/be supportive of =support



you must be calm and confident even when things are at their worst.

increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.(他们利润增长的部分原因是由于他们新的市场策略。)


the meeting to be held torrow is important.(此句为被动关系)

all sides =in all ways 在所有方面。

fulfillment 精神满足。

current affairs 时事。


br**e and strong ,the activist talked to worker.

do sth



is certain that……

be certain of/about

sthto do

that sb be sure of/about

to dothat


1)every culture had its idea of beauty expressed in art and architecture.

2)you will find the buildings designed and built.

the 1920s=during the 1920s 在二十世纪二十年代。

in one’s thirties 在某人三十几岁的时候。

in the twenty-first century 在二十一世纪。

in the eighteenth century 在十八世纪。

is to b what c is to d a对于b 的意义就如同c对于d的意义。

was the first to unsderstand that.


24.many cities had experiment of this kind ,with old factories turned into successful art centres.,beginning artists and musicians ofen do not h**e enough money to rent studios. (形容词做状)

poetry bring people from different places and different times together. (动名词做主语)

published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.


the door opened and in came the teacher.

here comes a boy.

here he comes.


thousands of fishes live in the ocean.

in the ocean live thousands of fishes.


the english poets are loved in china.

loved in china are the english poets.

29.部分倒装:(1)否定词放句首 no/not/never/neither/nor

seldom/hardly/not only/not until/no sooner/

little/few(not a word do i knows aboutenglish


3)if引导的虚拟语气 if省略。


5)so: 谓语+主语也同样(肯定句)


able to read english gives you much more choice.

matter how well a poem is translated ,something of the

spirit is lost .

best thing is to just forget about them.(不定式做主语)

a. as…as possible=as…as one can 尽可能…(you must do

it as carefully as possible)

b. not as…as 和…比较。

soon as 一…就。

….as 达到。程度(the temperature can be as much

as nine degrees.)

well as 也同样,不仅,而且。

long as 只要…就。

g.数词 time as…as 是…的多少倍(my pay is twice as his

pay.)is the easiest language to learn.

the question is difficult to answer.

is a matter of time to catch the thief. (一个…的问题)

idea that england stands for fish and chips is past.(同位语从句)


6921 film is giving way to tv 1.电影观众越来越少。2.电视观众越来越多,因为 3.然而,还是有人喜欢看电影,因为 looking forward to the twenty first century 1.新世纪科学发展的前景如何?2.新的科学技术给社会带来什么好处?...


1 never say die.永不言败。1 no living man all things can.世上没有万事通。2 no man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。3 once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。4 one false move may lo...


优胜劣汰survival of the fittest 英雄所见略同great minds think alike.冤家宜解不宜结better make friends than make enemies.冤假错案 cases in which people were unjustly,falsel...